



package manager

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AvroSchemaCache extends AnyRef


    Generic definition of the cache used by the manager to store the data loaded from the external storage.

  2. case class AvroSchemaCacheFingerprint(schemas: Seq[(Long, Schema)], fingerPrinter: (Schema) ⇒ Long) extends AvroSchemaCache with Logging with Product with Serializable


    Implementation of AvroSchemaCache that uses Fingerprint64 as IDs.

    Implementation of AvroSchemaCache that uses Fingerprint64 as IDs.


    a sequence of (ID, schema) used to initialize the cache values

  3. abstract class AvroSchemaManager extends Logging


    The main entry point of the Darwin library.

    The main entry point of the Darwin library. An instance of AvroSchemaManager should ALWAYS be obtained through the AvroSchemaManagerFactory. The manager is responsible for schemas registration, retrieval and updates.

  4. abstract class CachedAvroSchemaManager extends AvroSchemaManager


    Implementation of AvroSchemaManager that defines a cache where the storage data is loaded, in order to reduce the number of accesses to the storage.

  5. class CachedEagerAvroSchemaManager extends CachedAvroSchemaManager


    Implementation of CachedAvroSchemaManager that loads all the schemas into the cache at startup and doesn't perform any other accesses to the storage: each retrieve is performed onto the cache.

  6. class CachedLazyAvroSchemaManager extends CachedAvroSchemaManager


    Implementation of CachedAvroSchemaManager that loads all the schemas into the cache at startup and perform all the retrieves onto the cache; an access to the storage is performed only if there is a cache miss.

  7. class IdSchemaPair extends AnyRef

  8. class LazyAvroSchemaManager extends AvroSchemaManager


    Implementation of AvroSchemaManager that performs all the operations directly on the storage (retrievals and insertions).

Value Members

  1. object AvroSchemaManagerFactory extends Logging


    Factory used to obtain the desired implementation of AvroSchemaManager.

    Factory used to obtain the desired implementation of AvroSchemaManager. First of all the initialize method should be called passing the configuration (it will return an instance of AvroSchemaManager. Then, the same instance can be retrieved using the getInstance method without passing the configuration anymore.
