

package math

Abstract algebraic structures.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
Content Hierarchy Learn more about scaladoc diagrams
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By inheritance
  1. math
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AffineSpace extends AnyRef

    An abstract principal homogeneous space over the additive group of a linear space.

  2. trait CompleteField extends Field

    A complete abstract field structure.

  3. class DimensionException extends RuntimeException

    Indicates a dimensional mismatch.

  4. trait F2 extends FN

    An abstract 2-dimensional vector space over a ring.

  5. trait F2x2 extends Ring with FMxN

    An asbtract 2 by 2 matrix space over a field.

  6. trait F3 extends FN

    An abstract 3-dimensional vector space over a ring.

  7. trait F3x3 extends Ring with FMxN

    An asbtract 3 by 3 matrix space over a field.

  8. trait F4 extends FN

    An abstract 4-dimensional vector space over a ring.

  9. trait F4x4 extends Ring with FMxN

    An asbtract 4 by 4 matrix space over a field.

  10. trait FMxN extends VectorSpace

    An abstract M by N matrix space over a ring.

  11. trait FN extends VectorSpace

    An abstract N-dimensional vector space over a ring.

  12. trait Field extends Ring

    An abstract field structure.

  13. trait IntervalField extends IntervalRing with Field

    A field of closed sets between two elements of an ordered field.

  14. trait IntervalRing extends Ring

    A ring of closed sets between two elenents of an ordered ring.

  15. trait OrderedField extends OrderedRing with Field

    A totally ordered abstract field structure.

  16. trait OrderedRing extends Ring

    A totally ordered abstract ring structure.

  17. trait RealField extends OrderedField with CompleteField

    A complete, totally ordered abstract field structure.

  18. trait Ring extends AnyRef

    An abstract ring structure.

  19. trait VectorSpace extends AnyRef

    An abstract vector space over a ring.

Value Members

  1. package binary64

    64-bit binary based algebraic structures.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any



Vector spaces

Matrix spaces
