Interface BlogViewController

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_CATEGORY
      The category associated to a post.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_IMAGE_ID
      The id of the image to be associated with a blog post.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Boolean> P_INDEX
      Flag to switch to 'index' mode.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_FULL_ITEMS
      The max.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_ITEMS
      The max.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_LEADIN_ITEMS
      The max.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Boolean> P_TAG_CLOUD
      Flag to switch to 'tag cloud' mode.
    • Field Detail


        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_FULL_ITEMS
        The max. number of posts to render in full.

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_LEADIN_ITEMS
        The max. number of posts to render with lead-in text.
      • P_MAX_ITEMS

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_MAX_ITEMS
        The max. number of posts to render.
      • P_INDEX

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Boolean> P_INDEX
        Flag to switch to 'index' mode.
      • P_TAG_CLOUD

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Boolean> P_TAG_CLOUD
        Flag to switch to 'tag cloud' mode.
      • P_CATEGORY

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_CATEGORY
        The category associated to a post.
      • P_IMAGE_ID

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_IMAGE_ID
        The id of the image to be associated with a blog post.