Interface CalendarViewController

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_COLUMNS
      The number of columns of the table with the calendar.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_ENTRIES
      The list of entries of the calendar.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_FIRST_YEAR
      The first year in the year selector of the calendar.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_LAST_YEAR
      The last year in the year selector of the calendar.
      static it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_SELECTED_YEAR
      The selected year of the calendar.
    • Field Detail

      • P_ENTRIES

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.String> P_ENTRIES
        The list of entries of the calendar.

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_SELECTED_YEAR
        The selected year of the calendar.
      • P_FIRST_YEAR

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_FIRST_YEAR
        The first year in the year selector of the calendar.
      • P_LAST_YEAR

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_LAST_YEAR
        The last year in the year selector of the calendar.
      • P_COLUMNS

        static final it.tidalwave.util.Key<java.lang.Integer> P_COLUMNS
        The number of columns of the table with the calendar.