Class DefaultHtmlTextWithTitleViewController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    HtmlTextWithTitleViewController, ViewController

    public abstract class DefaultHtmlTextWithTitleViewController
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements HtmlTextWithTitleViewController

    A default implementation of the HtmlTextWithTitleViewController that is independent of the presentation technology. This class is capable to render a sequence of texts with their titles.

    Supported properties of the SiteNode:

    • P_CONTENT_PATHS: a set of paths to Contents;
    • P_CLASS: an optional CSS class name for the wrapping <div>.

    For each Content the following properties are used:

    • P_TITLE: for rendering the title;
    • P_FULL_TEXT: for rendering the text.

    Concrete implementations must provide the following method:

    Fabrizio Giudici
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultHtmlTextWithTitleViewController

        public DefaultHtmlTextWithTitleViewController()