Class DefaultSitemapViewController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    SitemapViewController, ViewController

    public abstract class DefaultSitemapViewController
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements SitemapViewController

    A default implementation of the SitemapViewController that is independent of the presentation technology. This class is capable to render the sitemap of a Site.

    Supported properties of any SiteNode in the site:

    • P_SITEMAP_PRIORITY: the priority of the SiteNode - if zero, the node is ignored;
    • P_SITEMAP_CHILDREN_PRIORITY: same as P_SITEMAP_PRIORITY, but for child nodes;
    • P_LATEST_MODIFICATION_DATE: the date-time of the latest modification;
    • P_SITEMAP_CHANGE_FREQUENCY: the supposed change frequency of the SiteNode.

    Concrete implementations must provide one method for rendering the calendar:

    • #render(java.util.List)
    Fabrizio Giudici