Package it.unibo.alchemist.model.actions
Generic actions implementations.
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description RemoveNode Removes the current node from the environment. AbstractConfigurableMoveNode An abstract class that factorizes code for multiple different movements. SetLocalMoleculeConcentration MoveForwardAndTeleport Moves the node along the x axis up to coordinate getMaxX, with steps of size getDeltaX. AbstractActionOnSingleMolecule This class offers the basic structures to provide operations with numeric concentrations on a single molecule. MoveToTarget Movement towards a target defined as a concentration. AbstractMoveNode This action moves a node inside a given environment. BrownianMove Moves the node randomly. AbstractLocalAction AbstractAction An abstract class facility with some generic methods implemented. ToggleMolecule Treats molecule as a switch: if it is present, then it's removed from node;
otherwise, it is inserted in node with the provided concentration.
ToggleMoleculeRandomly Treats molecule as a probabilistic switch: if it is present, then with probability odds it's removed from node;
otherwise, with probability odds it is inserted in node with the provided concentration.