Package it.unibo.alchemist.model.timedistributions
See: Description
Class Summary Class Description DiracComb A DiracComb is a sequence of events that happen every fixed time interval. Trigger WeibullDistributedWeibullTime Weibull distributed events, with different (Weibull distributed) mean. RandomDiracComb A DiracComb whose rate is determined (uniformly) randomly within the provided bounds. WeibullTime Weibull distributed events. AnyRealDistribution This class is able to use any distribution provided by Apache Math 3 as a subclass of RealDistribution, blocking the execution if getPropensityContribution returns zero for any condition. AbstractDistribution This class provides, through a template method pattern, an utility that ensures that the distribution does not trigger events before its initial scheduling time. ExponentialTime Markovian events. MoleculeControlledTimeDistribution A special TimeDistribution that schedules the reaction after start, according to the value of a molecule which contains the delta time.