Class SelectiveAdaptiveRange

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.LinkingRule ,

    public class SelectiveAdaptiveRange<T, P extends Position<P>>
    extends AdaptiveRange<T, P>
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.linkingrules.AdaptiveRange

      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.linkingrules.AbstractLocallyConsistentLinkingRule

        isLocallyConsistent, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, double minrange, double maxrange, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance)
        radius - default radius in metres
        minrange - minimum radius in metres
        maxrange - maximum radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than num-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than num+tolerance, the radius is decreased
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, double minrange, double maxrange, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance, double adjustment)
        radius - default radius in metres
        minrange - minimum radius in metres
        maxrange - maximum radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
        adjustment - the amount of metres the range will be changed if out of the bounds
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, double minrange, double maxrange, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance, double adjustment, String molType)
        radius - default radius in metres
        minrange - minimum radius in metres
        maxrange - maximum radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
        adjustment - the amount of metres the range will be changed if out of the bounds
        molType - the molecule whose presence will allow links to be created
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, double minrange, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance)
        radius - default radius in metres
        minrange - minimum radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, double minrange, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance, double adjustment)
        radius - default radius in metres
        minrange - minimum radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
        adjustment - the amount of metres the range will be changed if out of the bounds
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance)
        radius - default radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance, double adjustment)
        radius - default radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
        adjustment - the amount of metres the range will be changed if out of the bounds
      • SelectiveAdaptiveRange

        SelectiveAdaptiveRange(double radius, int desiredNeighborsCount, int tolerance, String molType)
        radius - default radius in metres
        desiredNeighborsCount - preferred number of neighbors
        tolerance - if the number of neighbors is smaller than desiredNeighborsCount-tolerance, the radius is increased; if the number of neighbors is higher than desiredNeighborsCount+tolerance, the radius is decreased
        molType - the molecule whose presence will allow links to be created
    • Method Detail