
Class SAPEREChemotaxis

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Action , it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Action , it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.ILsaAction ,

    public final class SAPEREChemotaxis<P extends Position<P>>
    extends SAPERENeighborAgent<P>

    This class provides a chemotaxis implementation for SAPERE, namely, an agent able to move a molecule towards a specific node.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void execute()
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.actions.SAPERENeighborAgent

      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.actions.SAPEREAgent

        cloneAction, toString
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.actions.LsaAbstractAction

        cloneAction, getNode, setExecutionContext
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.implementations.actions.AbstractAction

        declareDependencyTo, getConcentration, getNode, getOutboundDependencies, nodeContains, removeConcentration, setConcentration, toString
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.Action

        cloneAction, execute, getContext
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.model.interfaces.ILsaAction

        cloneAction, getOutboundDependencies, setExecutionContext
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAPEREChemotaxis

        SAPEREChemotaxis(Environment<List<ILsaMolecule>, P> environment, ILsaNode node, ILsaMolecule response, ILsaMolecule gradient, int idPosition)
        Builds a new SAPEREChemotaxis.
        environment - the environment
        node - the node
        response - the molecule to move
        gradient - the molecule template that, once matched, will contain thenode ID where move the molecule
        idPosition - the argument number where to search for the node ID