Class GeometricGradientRectangle

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.loader.deployments.Deployment , java.lang.Iterable

    public final class GeometricGradientRectangle<P extends Position<out P>>
    extends Rectangle<P>

    Distributes nodes geometrically within a rectangular shape.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      GeometricGradientRectangle(RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Environment<out Object, P> environment, int nodes, double x, double y, double sizex, double sizey, double lambda, int steps, boolean horizontal, boolean increasing) Use this constructor to displace multiple groups of devices with exponentially varied density along an axis.
      GeometricGradientRectangle(RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Environment<out Object, P> environment, int nodes, double x, double y, double sizex, double sizey, double lambda, boolean horizontal, boolean increasing) Use this constructor to displace devices with an exponentially varied density along an axis.
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.loader.deployments.AbstractRandomDeployment

      • Methods inherited from class it.unibo.alchemist.loader.deployments.Deployment

        getAssociatedLinkingRule, iterator, stream
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, iterator, spliterator
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • GeometricGradientRectangle

        GeometricGradientRectangle(RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Environment<out Object, P> environment, int nodes, double x, double y, double sizex, double sizey, double lambda, int steps, boolean horizontal, boolean increasing)
        Use this constructor to displace multiple groups of devices with exponentially varied density along an axis.
        randomGenerator - RandomGenerator
        environment - Environment
        nodes - the number of nodes to displace
        x - start x position
        y - start y position
        sizex - width
        sizey - height
        lambda - the lambda parameter of the exponential.
        steps - number of discrete groups.
        horizontal - true if the exponential axis is horizontal
        increasing - true if device density should increase with the desired axis
      • GeometricGradientRectangle

        GeometricGradientRectangle(RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Environment<out Object, P> environment, int nodes, double x, double y, double sizex, double sizey, double lambda, boolean horizontal, boolean increasing)
        Use this constructor to displace devices with an exponentially varied density along an axis.
        randomGenerator - RandomGenerator
        environment - Environment
        nodes - the number of nodes to displace
        x - start x position
        y - start y position
        sizex - width
        sizey - height
        lambda - the lambda parameter of the exponential.
        horizontal - true if the exponential axis is horizontal
        increasing - true if device density should increase with the desired axis
    • Method Detail