Class GraphStreamDeployment

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    it.unibo.alchemist.model.Deployment , kotlin.collections.Iterable , kotlin.collections.MutableIterable

    public final class GraphStreamDeployment<P extends Position<P>>
     implements Deployment<P>

    A deployment based on a GraphStream graph.

    • Constructor Detail

      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, Double offsetX, Double offsetY, Double zoom, Double layoutQuality, Boolean createLinks, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.
      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, Double offsetX, Double offsetY, Double zoom, Double layoutQuality, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.
      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, Double offsetX, Double offsetY, Double zoom, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.
      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, Double offsetX, Double offsetY, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.
      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, Double offsetX, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.
      • GraphStreamDeployment

        GraphStreamDeployment(Environment<?, P> environment, RandomGenerator randomGenerator, Integer nodeCount, String generatorName, Object parameters)
        Builds a new GraphStream-based deployment, given the nodeCount, whether or not the arcs of such graph shoud be links (createLinks), the generatorName (must be the name of a subclass of org.graphstream.algorithm.generator.BaseGenerator), and its parameters.