
Class ConrecIsolinesFinder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConrecIsolinesFinder
     implements IsolinesFinder

    Conrec algorithm adapter to IsolinesFinder interface.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ConrecIsolinesFinder

        ConrecIsolinesFinder(IsolinesFactory factory)
        factory - - the factory used to create segments and isolines
    • Method Detail

      • findIsolines

         Collection<Isoline> findIsolines(BinaryOperator<Number> function, Number x1, Number y1, Number x2, Number y2, Collection<Number> levels)

        Find the isolines of the given function. You can specify which isolines will be extracted with the levels parameter: for each value included in the collection, the corresponding isoline will be extracted. Isolines will be calculated within a rectangular region defined by two opposite vertexes. This means that the algorithm will not consider the space outside the given region at all.

      • findIsolines

         Collection<Isoline> findIsolines(BinaryOperator<Number> function, Segment2D diagonal, Collection<Number> levels)

        Find the isolines of the given function. This method is equivalent to IsolinesFinder#findIsolines(BinaryOperator, Number, Number, Number, Number, Collection), with the difference that it allows you to specify the diagonal of the rectangular region, instead of the four vertexes separately.