
Interface IsolinesFactory

    public interface IsolinesFactory

    A factory for the creation of the basic astractions contained in this package.

    • Method Detail

      • makeSegment

         abstract Segment2D makeSegment(Number x1, Number y1, Number x2, Number y2)

        Create a 2D segment.

        x1 - - x coordinate of point 1
        y1 - - y coordinate of point 1
        x2 - - x coordinate of point 2
        y2 - - y coordinate of point 2
      • makeIsoline

         abstract Isoline makeIsoline(Number value, Collection<Segment2D> segments)

        Create an Isoline.

        value - - the value associated to the isoline to be created
        segments - - the segments forming the isoline
      • makeIsolinesFinder

         abstract IsolinesFinder makeIsolinesFinder(IsolinesFactory.IsolineFinders algorithm)

        Create an IsolinesFinder object, capable of finding isolines. As different finders could be available - each one extracting isolines in a different way - you can specify which one to use with the algorithm parameter.

        algorithm - - the algorithm you want to use