Package it.unimi.dsi

Class Util


public final class Util
extends Object
All-purpose static-method container class.
Sebastiano Vigna
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • format

      public static String format​(double d)
      Formats a number.

      This method formats a double separating thousands and printing just two fractional digits.

      Note that the method is synchronized, as it uses a static NumberFormat.

      d - a number.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number.
    • format

      public static String format​(long l)
      Formats a number.

      This method formats a long separating thousands.

      Note that the method is synchronized, as it uses a static NumberFormat.

      l - a number.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number.
    • format

      public static String format​(double d, NumberFormat format)
      Formats a number using a specified NumberFormat.
      d - a number.
      format - a format.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number.
    • format

      public static String format​(long l, NumberFormat format)
      Formats a number using a specified NumberFormat.
      l - a number.
      format - a format.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number.
    • formatSize

      public static String formatSize​(long l)
      Formats a size.

      This method formats a long using suitable unit multipliers (e.g., K, M, G, and T) and printing just two fractional digits.

      Note that the method is synchronized, as it uses a static NumberFormat.

      l - a number, representing a size (e.g., memory).
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using unit multipliers.
    • formatBinarySize

      public static String formatBinarySize​(long l)
      Formats a binary size.

      This method formats a long using suitable unit binary multipliers (e.g., Ki, Mi, Gi, and Ti) and printing no fractional digits. The argument must be a power of 2.

      Note that the method is synchronized, as it uses a static NumberFormat.

      l - a number, representing a binary size (e.g., memory); must be a power of 2.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using binary unit multipliers.
    • formatSize2

      public static String formatSize2​(long l)
      Formats a size.

      This method formats a long using suitable binary unit multipliers (e.g., Ki, Mi, Gi, and Ti) and printing just two fractional digits.

      Note that the method is synchronized, as it uses a static NumberFormat.

      l - a number, representing a size (e.g., memory).
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using binary unit multipliers.
    • formatSize

      public static String formatSize​(long l, NumberFormat format)
      Formats a size using a specified NumberFormat.

      This method formats a long using suitable unit multipliers (e.g., K, M, G, and T) and the given NumberFormat for the digits.

      l - a number, representing a size (e.g., memory).
      format - a format.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using unit multipliers.
    • formatBinarySize

      public static String formatBinarySize​(long l, NumberFormat format)
      Formats a size using a specified NumberFormat.

      This method formats a long using suitable unit binary multipliers (e.g., Ki, Mi, Gi, and Ti) and the given NumberFormat for the digits. The argument must be a power of 2.

      l - a number, representing a binary size (e.g., memory); must be a power of 2.
      format - a format.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using binary unit multipliers.
    • formatSize2

      public static String formatSize2​(long l, NumberFormat format)
      Formats a size using a specified NumberFormat and binary unit multipliers.

      This method formats a long using suitable binary unit multipliers (e.g., Ki, Mi, Gi, and Ti) and the given NumberFormat for the digits.

      l - a number, representing a size (e.g., memory).
      format - a format.
      a string containing a pretty print of the number using binary unit multipliers.
    • memoryIsLow

      public static boolean memoryIsLow()
      Returns true if less then 5% of the available memory is free.
      true if less then 5% of the available memory is free.
    • availableMemory

      public static long availableMemory()
      Returns the amount of available memory (free memory plus never allocated memory).
      the amount of available memory, in bytes.
    • percAvailableMemory

      public static int percAvailableMemory()
      Returns the percentage of available memory (free memory plus never allocated memory).
      the percentage of available memory.
    • compactMemory

      public static void compactMemory()
      Tries to compact memory as much as possible by forcing garbage collection.
    • randomSeed

      public static long randomSeed()
      Returns a random seed generated by taking the output of a XoRoShiRo128PlusRandomGenerator (seeded at startup with System.nanoTime()) and xoring it with System.nanoTime().
      a reasonably good random seed.
    • randomSeedBytes

      public static byte[] randomSeedBytes()
      Returns a random seed generated by randomSeed() under the form of an array of eight bytes.
      a reasonably good random seed.
    • invertPermutationInPlace

      public static int[] invertPermutationInPlace​(int[] perm)
      Computes in place the inverse of a permutation expressed as an array of n distinct integers in [0 .. n).

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
    • invertPermutation

      public static int[] invertPermutation​(int[] perm, int[] inv)
      Computes the inverse of a permutation expressed as an array of n distinct integers in [0 .. n).

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
      inv - the array storing the inverse.
    • invertPermutation

      public static int[] invertPermutation​(int[] perm)
      Computes the inverse of a permutation expressed as an array of n distinct integers in [0 .. n) and stores the result in a new array.

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
      a new array containing the inverse permutation.
    • identity

      public static int[] identity​(int[] perm)
      Stores the identity permutation in an array.
      perm - an array of integers.
      perm, filled with the identity permutation.
    • identity

      public static int[] identity​(int n)
      Stores the identity permutation in a new array of given length.
      n - the size of the array.
      a new array of length n, filled with the identity permutation.
    • invertPermutationInPlace

      public static long[][] invertPermutationInPlace​(long[][] perm)
      Computes in place the inverse of a permutation expressed as a big array of n distinct long integers in [0 .. n).

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
    • invertPermutation

      public static long[][] invertPermutation​(long[][] perm, long[][] inv)
      Computes the inverse of a permutation expressed as a big array of n distinct long integers in [0 .. n).

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
      inv - the big array storing the inverse.
    • invertPermutation

      public static long[][] invertPermutation​(long[][] perm)
      Computes the inverse of a permutation expressed as a big array of n distinct long integers in [0 .. n) and stores the result in a new big array.

      Warning: if perm is not a permutation, essentially anything can happen.

      perm - the permutation to be inverted.
      a new big array containing the inverse permutation.
    • identity

      public static long[][] identity​(long[][] perm)
      Stores the identity permutation in a big array.
      perm - a big array.
      perm, filled with the identity permutation.
    • identity

      public static long[][] identity​(long n)
      Stores the identity permutation in a new big array of given length.
      n - the size of the array.
      a new array of length n, filled with the identity permutation.