Interface PrefixCoder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
CodeWordCoder, Fast64CodeWordCoder

public interface PrefixCoder
extends Coder
A coder based on a set of prefix-free codewords.

Not all coders are codeword-based (for instance, arithmetic coding is not codeword-based). However, coders that are based on prefix-free codewords are invited to return by means of Codec.coder() an implementation of this interface.

Note that the coder returned by a PrefixCodec is an implementation of this interface.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    BitVector[] codeWords()
    Provides access to the codewords.

    Methods inherited from interface it.unimi.dsi.compression.Coder

    encode, encode, flush, flush
  • Method Details

    • codeWords

      BitVector[] codeWords()
      Provides access to the codewords. Warning: bit 0 of each bit vector returned by codeWords() is the first (leftmost) bit of the corresponding codeword: in other words, codewords are stored in right-to-left fashion.
      the codewords.