Interface BooleanIterator

All Superinterfaces:
Iterator<Boolean>, PrimitiveIterator<Boolean,BooleanConsumer>
All Known Subinterfaces:
BooleanBidirectionalIterator, BooleanBigListIterator

public interface BooleanIterator extends PrimitiveIterator<Boolean,BooleanConsumer>
A type-specific Iterator; provides an additional method to avoid (un)boxing, and the possibility to skip elements.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • nextBoolean

      boolean nextBoolean()
      Returns the next element as a primitive type.
      the next element in the iteration.
      See Also:
    • next

      @Deprecated default Boolean next()
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Specified by:
      next in interface Iterator<Boolean>
    • forEachRemaining

      default void forEachRemaining(BooleanConsumer action)
      Performs the given action for each remaining element until all elements have been processed or the action throws an exception.
      Specified by:
      forEachRemaining in interface PrimitiveIterator<Boolean,BooleanConsumer>
      action - the action to be performed for each element.
      See Also:
      API Notes:
      Implementing classes should generally override this method, and take the default implementation of the other overloads which will delegate to this method (after proper conversions).
    • forEachRemaining

      @Deprecated default void forEachRemaining(Consumer<? super Boolean> action)
      Please use the corresponding type-specific method instead.
      Specified by:
      forEachRemaining in interface Iterator<Boolean>
    • skip

      default int skip(int n)
      Skips the given number of elements.

      The effect of this call is exactly the same as that of calling next() for n times (possibly stopping if Iterator.hasNext() becomes false).

      n - the number of elements to skip.
      the number of elements actually skipped.
      See Also: