Class ObjectLists


public final class ObjectLists
extends java.lang.Object
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with type-specific lists.
See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    static class  ObjectLists.EmptyList<K>
    An immutable class representing an empty type-specific list.
    static class  ObjectLists.Singleton<K>
    An immutable class representing a type-specific singleton list.
    static class  ObjectLists.SynchronizedList<K>
    A synchronized wrapper class for lists.
    static class  ObjectLists.SynchronizedRandomAccessList<K>
    A synchronized wrapper class for random-access lists.
    static class  ObjectLists.UnmodifiableList<K>
    An unmodifiable wrapper class for lists.
    static class  ObjectLists.UnmodifiableRandomAccessList<K>
    An unmodifiable wrapper class for random-access lists.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static ObjectLists.EmptyList EMPTY_LIST
    An empty list (immutable).
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static <K> ObjectList<K> emptyList()
    Returns an empty list (immutable).
    static <K> ObjectList<K> shuffle​(ObjectList<K> l, java.util.Random random)
    Shuffles the specified list using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
    static <K> ObjectList<K> singleton​(K element)
    Returns a type-specific immutable list containing only the specified element.
    static <K> ObjectList<K> synchronize​(ObjectList<K> l)
    Returns a synchronized type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list.
    static <K> ObjectList<K> synchronize​(ObjectList<K> l, java.lang.Object sync)
    Returns a synchronized type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list, using an assigned object to synchronize.
    static <K> ObjectList<K> unmodifiable​(ObjectList<? extends K> l)
    Returns an unmodifiable type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final ObjectLists.EmptyList EMPTY_LIST
      An empty list (immutable). It is serializable and cloneable.
  • Method Details

    • shuffle

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> shuffle​(ObjectList<K> l, java.util.Random random)
      Shuffles the specified list using the specified pseudorandom number generator.
      l - the list to be shuffled.
      random - a pseudorandom number generator.
    • emptyList

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> emptyList()
      Returns an empty list (immutable). It is serializable and cloneable.

      This method provides a typesafe access to EMPTY_LIST.

      an empty list (immutable).
    • singleton

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> singleton​(K element)
      Returns a type-specific immutable list containing only the specified element. The returned list is serializable and cloneable.
      element - the only element of the returned list.
      a type-specific immutable list containing just element.
    • synchronize

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> synchronize​(ObjectList<K> l)
      Returns a synchronized type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list.
      l - the list to be wrapped in a synchronized list.
      a synchronized view of the specified list.
      See Also:
    • synchronize

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> synchronize​(ObjectList<K> l, java.lang.Object sync)
      Returns a synchronized type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list, using an assigned object to synchronize.
      l - the list to be wrapped in a synchronized list.
      sync - an object that will be used to synchronize the access to the list.
      a synchronized view of the specified list.
      See Also:
    • unmodifiable

      public static <K> ObjectList<K> unmodifiable​(ObjectList<? extends K> l)
      Returns an unmodifiable type-specific list backed by the given type-specific list.
      l - the list to be wrapped in an unmodifiable list.
      an unmodifiable view of the specified list.
      See Also: