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ALL_PLATFORMS - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
ANDROID - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
ANY_PLATFORM - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
API_BASE_URL - Static variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Base URL for Google Safe Browsing API.
API_HTTP_REFERRER - Static variable in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Configuration property name for HTTP Referrer value for the API key.
API_KEY - Static variable in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Configuration property name for API key.


bootstrap() - Static method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Bootstraps Gsb4j and returns an instance of Gsb4j which is used to get API implementations.
bootstrap(Properties) - Static method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Bootstraps Gsb4j and returns an instance of Gsb4j which is used to get API implementations.
BYTE_BITS_SIZE - Static variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.RiceCompression


Canonicalization - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url
Class to canonicalize URLs according to Google Safe Browsing API requirements.
Canonicalization() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Canonicalization
canonicalize(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Canonicalization
Canonicalizes the supplied URL string.
check(String) - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.SafeBrowsingApi
Checks the supplied URL if it is in the threat lists of the Google Safe Browsing API.
Checksum() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.Checksum
CHROME - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
clear(ThreatListDescriptor) - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabase
Clears local database data for the descriptor.
CLIENT_ID - Variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jClientInfoProvider
A client ID that uniquely identifies the client implementation of the Safe Browsing API.
CLIENT_VERSION - Variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jClientInfoProvider
The version of the client implementation.
ClientInfo - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
The client metadata associated with Safe Browsing API requests.
ClientInfo() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ClientInfo
COMPRESSION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.CompressionType
Unknown compression type.
CompressionType - Enum in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
Compression types that threat entry sets can be compressed.
computeFullHash(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Hashing
Computed full hash for the expression.
computeHashPrefix(String, int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Hashing
Computes hash prefix for the expression that includes supplied number of most significant bytes.
configure() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.SafeBrowsingApiModule
configure() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabaseModule
configure() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4jModule
configure() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jPropertiesModule
Constraints - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
Update request constraints POJO.
Constraints() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
contains(String, ThreatListDescriptor) - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabase
Checks if the hash exists in the local database for the supplied descriptor.


DATA_DIRECTORY - Static variable in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Configuration property name for Gsb4j data directory.
decode(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.PercentEncoder
Decodes percent encoded string.
decompress(int, byte[]) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.RiceCompression
Decompresses Rice coded bytes to integers.
durationToMillis(String) - Static method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Parses and converts duration strings from API to milliseconds.


encode(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.PercentEncoder
Encodes selected characters in a supplied string to percent encoding.
equals(Object) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
equals(Object) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
EXECUTABLE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType


FULL_UPDATE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType


get() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache.ThreatListDescriptorsCache
Gets cached threat list descriptors.
getAdditions() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getAll() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
Gets all known threat types.
getApiClient(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Gets Safe Browsing API client implementation instance.
getApiHttpReferrer() - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Gets HTTP referrer value accepted by API.
getApiKey() - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Gets API key.
getCacheDuration() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getChecksum() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getClientId() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ClientInfo
getClientVersion() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ClientInfo
getCompressionType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
getConstraints() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
getDataDirectory() - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Gets directory for local data files.
getDefaultDataDirectory() - Static method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jProperties
Gets default local data directory.
getDigest() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
getEncodedData() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
getEntries() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.ThreatEntryMetadata
getFirstValue() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
getHash() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
getHost() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
Gets host part of the URL.
getIndices() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawIndices
getInjector() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Gets Injector instance to be used for cases when client users want to create their own child injectors with their additional modules.
getKey() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry
getLists() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.ThreatListGetter
Retrieves threat lists currently available in Safe Browsing API.
getMaxDatabaseEntries() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
getMaxUpdateEntries() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
getNewClientState() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getNumEntries() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
getPath() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
Gets path of the URL.
getPlatformType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
getPlatformType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getPlatformType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
getPlatformType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getPlatformTypes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
getPort() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
Gets port of the URL.
getPrefixSize() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes
getQuery() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
Gets query of the URL.
getRawHashes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
getRawHashes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes
getRawIndices() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
getRefreshed() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache.ThreatListDescriptorsCache
Gets threat list descriptors first refreshing the cache.
getRegion() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
getRemovals() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getResponseType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getRiceHashes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
getRiceIndices() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
getRiceParameter() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
getScheme() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
Gets scheme of the URL.
getSha256() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.Checksum
getState() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
getSupportedCompressions() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
getThreat() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getThreatEntries() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
getThreatEntryMetadata() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getThreatEntryType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
getThreatEntryType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getThreatEntryType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
getThreatEntryType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getThreatEntryTypes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
getThreatType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
getThreatType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getThreatType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
getThreatType() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
getThreatTypes() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
getTimestamp() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
getUrl() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
getValue() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry
Gsb4j - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j
Main entry point to GSB4J application.
GSB4J - Static variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Constant string of "gsb4j".
Gsb4jBinding - Annotation Type in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j
Binding annotation for Gsb4j specific bindings of types publicly available from standard JDK.
Gsb4jClientInfoProvider - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties
Information about Google Safe Browsing API client implementation.
Gsb4jModule - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j
Guice module to initialize common bindings used in Gsb4j.
Gsb4jModule() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4jModule
Gsb4jProperties - Interface in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties
Interface to get application specific properties.
Gsb4jPropertiesModule - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties
Guice module to initialize bindings related to gsb4j properties.
Gsb4jPropertiesModule(Properties) - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jPropertiesModule
Constructs module with properties instance to be used as a source of configuration property values.


hashCode() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
hashCode() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
Hashing - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url
Class that computes hash prefixes of the suffix/prefix expressions.
Hashing() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Hashing


IOS - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
IP_RANGE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType
IpUtils - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util
IP address utility class.
IpUtils() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
isBinaryIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is in a valid IP address format encoded in binary.
isDecimalIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is in a valid IP address format encoded in decimal.
isHexEncodedIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is in a valid IP address format encoded in hex.
isIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is in a valid IP address format encoded in either decimal, binary, octal, or hexadecimal.
isNumericIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is a numeric representation of an IP address.
isOctalEncodedIpAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Checks if supplied string is in a valid IP address format encoded in octal.


kg.net.bazi.gsb4j - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url
kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util - package kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util


LINUX - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
ListUpdateRequest - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
A single list update request POJO.
ListUpdateRequest() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
ListUpdateResponse - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
An update to an individual list.
ListUpdateResponse() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
ListUpdateResponse.Checksum - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
The expected state of a client's local database.
ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType - Enum in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
The type of response sent to the client.
load(ThreatListDescriptor) - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabase
Loads hashes for the threat list descriptor.
LocalDatabase - Interface in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db
Local threats list database.
LocalDatabaseModule - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db
Guice module to initialize database related bindings.
LocalDatabaseModule() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabaseModule
LOOKUP_API - Static variable in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.SafeBrowsingApi
Name to identify Lookup API client implementation.


make() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.properties.Gsb4jClientInfoProvider
Makes a client info for this implementation.
makeExpressions(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.SuffixPrefixExpressions
Generates suffix/prefix expressions for the supplied URL string.
MALWARE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
MAX_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES - Static variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Hashing
Max number of most significant bytes a hash prefix can be made out of a full-length hash.
MetadataEntry() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry
MIN_SIGNIFICANT_BYTES - Static variable in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.Hashing
Min number of most significant bytes a hash prefix can be made out of a full-length hash.


OSX - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType


PARTIAL_UPDATE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType
PercentEncoder - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util
Simple percent encoding class.
PercentEncoder() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.PercentEncoder
persist(ThreatListDescriptor, List<String>) - Method in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.db.LocalDatabase
Saves hashes for the threat list descriptor.
PLATFORM_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
PlatformType - Enum in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
Types of platforms.
POTENTIALLY_HARMFUL_APPLICATION - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType


RAW - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.CompressionType
Raw, uncompressed data.
RawHashes() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes
RawIndices() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawIndices
RESPONSE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType
RICE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.CompressionType
Rice-Golomb encoded data.
RiceCompression - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util
Rice compression handler.
RiceCompression() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.RiceCompression
RiceDeltaEncoding() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding


SafeBrowsingApi - Interface in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api
Safe Browsing API interface.
SafeBrowsingApiModule - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api
Guice module to initialize API specific bindings.
SafeBrowsingApiModule() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.SafeBrowsingApiModule
setAdditions(List<ThreatEntrySet>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setCacheDuration(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setChecksum(ListUpdateResponse.Checksum) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setClientId(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ClientInfo
setClientVersion(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ClientInfo
setCompressionType(CompressionType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
setConstraints(Constraints) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
setDigest(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
setEncodedData(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
setEntries(List<ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.ThreatEntryMetadata
setFirstValue(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
setHash(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
setIndices(List<Integer>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawIndices
setKey(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry
setMaxDatabaseEntries(int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
setMaxUpdateEntries(int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
setNewClientState(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setNumEntries(int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
setPlatformType(PlatformType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
setPlatformType(PlatformType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setPlatformType(PlatformType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
setPlatformType(PlatformType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setPlatformTypes(Set<PlatformType>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
setPrefixSize(int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes
setRawHashes(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes
setRawHashes(ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
setRawIndices(ThreatEntrySet.RawIndices) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
setRegion(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
setRemovals(List<ThreatEntrySet>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setResponseType(ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setRiceHashes(ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
setRiceIndices(ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
setRiceParameter(int) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding
setSha256(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.Checksum
setState(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
setSupportedCompressions(CompressionType[]) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.Constraints
setThreat(ThreatEntry) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setThreatEntries(Set<ThreatEntry>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
setThreatEntryMetadata(ThreatMatch.ThreatEntryMetadata) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setThreatEntryType(ThreatEntryType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
setThreatEntryType(ThreatEntryType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setThreatEntryType(ThreatEntryType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
setThreatEntryType(ThreatEntryType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setThreatEntryTypes(Set<ThreatEntryType>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
setThreatType(ThreatType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
setThreatType(ThreatType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setThreatType(ThreatType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateRequest
setThreatType(ThreatType) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse
setThreatTypes(Set<ThreatType>) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
setTimestamp(long) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
setUrl(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
setValue(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry
shutdown() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.Gsb4j
Shuts down Gsb4j.
SOCIAL_ENGINEERING - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
split(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter
Splits supplied URL into parts.
SuffixPrefixExpressions - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url
This class generates suffix/prefix expressions for URLs.
SuffixPrefixExpressions() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.url.SuffixPrefixExpressions


THREAT_ENTRY_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType
THREAT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
ThreatEntry - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
POJO to represent an individual threat; for example, a malicious URL or its hash representation.
ThreatEntry() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntry
ThreatEntryMetadata() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch.ThreatEntryMetadata
ThreatEntrySet - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
A set of threats that should be added or removed from a client's local database.
ThreatEntrySet() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ThreatEntrySet
ThreatEntrySet.RawHashes - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
The uncompressed threat entries in hash format of a particular prefix length.
ThreatEntrySet.RawIndices - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
A set of raw indices to remove from a local list.
ThreatEntrySet.RiceDeltaEncoding - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates
The Rice-Golomb encoded data.
ThreatEntryType - Enum in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
Types of entries that pose threats.
ThreatInfo - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
The information regarding one or more threats that a client submits when checking for matches in threat lists.
ThreatInfo() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatInfo
ThreatListDescriptor - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
Describes an individual threat list.
ThreatListDescriptor() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor
ThreatListDescriptorsCache - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache
Holds currently available threat list descriptors.
ThreatListDescriptorsCache() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.cache.ThreatListDescriptorsCache
ThreatListGetter - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api
Retrieves names of the Safe Browsing threat lists.
ThreatListGetter() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.ThreatListGetter
ThreatMatch - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
POJO to represent a match when checking a threat entry in the Safe Browsing threat lists.
ThreatMatch() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatMatch
ThreatMatch.MetadataEntry - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
A single metadata entry.
ThreatMatch.ThreatEntryMetadata - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
The metadata associated with a specific threat entry.
ThreatType - Enum in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data
Types of threats.
toInetAddress(String) - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.IpUtils
Parses and converts supplied string to IP address instance.
toString() - Method in class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatListDescriptor


UNWANTED_SOFTWARE - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
UPDATE_API - Static variable in interface kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.api.SafeBrowsingApi
Name to identify Update API client implementation.
URL - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType
UrlParts() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter.UrlParts
UrlSplitter - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util
Class to split URLs into host, port, path, and query string parts.
UrlSplitter() - Constructor for class kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util.UrlSplitter
UrlSplitter.UrlParts - Class in kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.util
POJO class to hold URL parts.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.CompressionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatEntryType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.ThreatType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.CompressionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.updates.ListUpdateResponse.ResponseType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WINDOWS - kg.net.bazi.gsb4j.data.PlatformType
A B C D E F G H I K L M O P R S T U V W 
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