bending-api 3.0.0 API

Base package for Bending.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling abilities.
Provides classes of common ability components.
Provides abstract implementations of ability components.
Provides classes and interfaces for bending Elements.
Provides classes for ability presets.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling chainable ability states.
Defines adapters for utilizing NMS and packets.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling collisions.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling colliders.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling raytracing.
Provides classes and interfaces for configs and their processing.
Provides classes and interfaces for modifiable ability attributes.
Provides Bending events and bus.
Provides classes and interfaces for base systems in Bending.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling gui elements.
Provides locale and translatable messages.
Provides classes and interfaces to bridge platforms.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling protection rules against Bending.
Provides classes and interfaces for modelling data registries.
Provides interfaces for database operations.
Provides classes and interfaces for Temporal data structures.
Provides classes and interfaces for bending users.
Provides classes for bending profiles.
Provides utility classes.
Provides classes and interfaces for data keys and holders.
Provides utilities for functional interfaces.
Provides utility classes for bendable and general purpose materials.
Provides Metadata keys and utilities.