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acceptDelete() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptDelete_GET_VALUES() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If this is enabled get values in the url will be provided.
acceptGet() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptGet_GET_VALUES() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If this is enabled get values in the url will be provided.
acceptPatch() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPatch_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPatch_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPatch_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPatch_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
acceptPathValues() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you use the path values feature please set this to true.
acceptPost() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPost_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPost_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPost_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPost_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
acceptPut() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPut_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPut_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPut_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPut_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
addUsageWeight(String, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
To add a certain value of weight from a user.
AdvancedWebsiteInterface - Interface in me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
apiDescription() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An simple API description.
AQUA - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
AQUA - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text


Background() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
BACKSPACE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations
BEGINNING_OF_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
BLACK - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
BLACK - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
BLUE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
BLUE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
BOLD - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations


checkIfExists() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Check if the config file is already existing.
clearOutput() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Clear the output and remove all lines.
ConfigHandler<Config> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
Config handler for easy managing of config files with the json format.
ConfigHandler(Config, String) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Create a config handler.
ConfigHandler(Config, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Create a config handler.
ConsoleDecorations - Class in me.scolastico.tools.console
Console decorations.
ConsoleDecorations() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations
ConsoleDecorations.Background - Class in me.scolastico.tools.console
Set the background color of the console.
ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation - Class in me.scolastico.tools.console
ConsoleDecorations.Text - Class in me.scolastico.tools.console
context() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
The path you want to register.
CursorNavigation() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation


DARK_AQUA - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_AQUA - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_BLUE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_GREEN - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
DARK_GREY - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_GREY - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
DARK_PURPLE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_PURPLE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
DARK_RED - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
DARK_RED - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
decodeURL(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Decode your URL.
delete() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Delete the file.
DELETE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
deleteRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
disable() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To disable the output recorder call this function!
DOWN - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
DOWN(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation


enable() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To enable the output recorder call this function!
enable() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Enable the SchedulerHandler.
enableCatchUncaughtException() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the exception handling for uncaught exceptions.
enableErrorLogFile() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the 'error.log' file to which the stack traces will also be written.
enableSentry(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
To enable sentry reporting past the sentry dns string to this function!
encodeURL(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Encode your URL.
ERASE_TO_END_OF_LINE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
ErrorHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
Handle your errors automatically.
ErrorHandler() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Its not recommended to use the instance.
errorMessages() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An array list of error messages with their short codes separated by a ' - '.
exampleRequest() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An example request path.
exampleResponse() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An example response.
executeTick() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Its not recommended to use this function manually.


GET - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
getAdvancedWebsiteInterface() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getByteArrayFromResources(String) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.SimplifiedResourceFileReader
Get the content of a file from the resources.
getDefaultConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the default config object.
getFile() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the config file as an File object.
getInstance() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.SimplifiedResourceFileReader
Get the instance.
getLoginToken(HttpExchange) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.TokenManager
Get the login token from a http exchange.
getOutput() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Get the last 1024 lines from the output.
getPath() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the path to the config file.
getRegistration() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
getSimpleWebsiteInterface() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getStoreRows() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Get the current configuration of how much rows should be stored.
getStringFromResources(String) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.SimplifiedResourceFileReader
Get the content of a file from the resources.
getSystemConfigFolder(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store system wide configurations.
getUsageWeight(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Get the usage weight of an user.
getUserConfigFolder() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store user configurations.
getUserConfigFolder(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store user configurations.
getWebServerRequestType() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getX() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Get the value of the data with the type one.
getX() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type one.
getY() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Get the value of the data with the type two.
getY() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type two.
getZ() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type three.
GOLD - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
GOLD - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
GREEN - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
GREEN - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
GREY - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
GREY - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text


handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
handle(Throwable) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception.
handle(Throwable, SentryLevel, String...) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and send more data to Sentry.
handleFatal(Throwable) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and exit the program with exit a non zero exit code.
handleFatal(Throwable, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and exit the program with exit a non zero exit code.
handleRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.SimpleWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.


INTERNAL_ERROR_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
INVERTED_COLOR - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations
isAPI() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you want to generate an map for your webserver set this to true if you are registering an API.
isRunning() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Check if the webserver is running.


jsonObject() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If json should be automatically managed by the webserver set here the class of the json object.


LEFT - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
LEFT(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
LIMIT_REACHED_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
loadConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Load the config.


maxFileSizeInMb() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
CURRENTLY NOT IN USE! WIP! Max file size in MB if file upload is enabled in this registrations.
me.scolastico.tools.console - package me.scolastico.tools.console
me.scolastico.tools.dataholder - package me.scolastico.tools.dataholder
me.scolastico.tools.handler - package me.scolastico.tools.handler
me.scolastico.tools.pairs - package me.scolastico.tools.pairs
me.scolastico.tools.simplified - package me.scolastico.tools.simplified
me.scolastico.tools.web - package me.scolastico.tools.web
me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations - package me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations
me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder - package me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder
me.scolastico.tools.web.enums - package me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions - package me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions
me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces - package me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite


NORMAL_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
NOT_FOUND_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
NOT_JSON_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite


OutputHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
The output handler is to handle System.out.print in the way so you can save all outputs to a string and read it!
OutputHandler() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler


Pair<X,​Y> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.pairs
A generic data holder for two data types.
Pair(X, Y) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Construct a new pair with two data types.
PATCH - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
patchRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
POST - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
postRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
PURPLE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
PURPLE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
PUT - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
putRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.


RED - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
RED - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
registerAllWebInterfacesInPackage(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Register all webinterfaces in a package through reflections.
registerTask(SchedulerConfiguration) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Register your SchedulerConfiguration and enable it for automatic scheduling.
registerWebInterface(AdvancedWebsiteInterface) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
If you want to register a single webinterface you can register it with this function.
registerWebInterface(SimpleWebsiteInterface) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
If you want to register a single webinterface you can register it with this function.
removeConfiguration(long) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Remove a SchedulerConfiguration so it wont run again.
removeUsageWeight(String, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
To remove a certain value of weight from a user.
RESET - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations
RESET - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
RESTORE_POSITION - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
RIGHT - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
RIGHT(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
run() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler


SAVE_POSITION - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
saveDefaultConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Save the default config in the config file.
SchedulerConfiguration - Class in me.scolastico.tools.dataholder
The SchedulerConfiguration for the SchedulerHandler.
SchedulerConfiguration(long, boolean, Runnable) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Create a new SchedulerConfiguration
SchedulerConfiguration(long, Runnable) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Create a new SchedulerConfiguration for multiple runs.
SchedulerHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
SchedulerHandler for easy scheduling of tasks!
setCheckForIndexHtml(boolean) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Should if an file override or an resource is found with the name index.html it also replace the "/" url?
setCheckOverrideFolderFirst(boolean) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Should the override folder checked first if an file is existing? The http request method will be ignored in this case! If set to true the webserver will check before checking if an website interface will be executed! If something is found the interface will not be called and after sending the content of the file the webserver closes the connection!
setCheckResourcesAfter(boolean) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Should the resource folder be checked first if an file is existing? The http request method will NOT be ignored in this case! Only GET will not return in 404! If set to true the webserver will check after checking if an website interface can be executed! If something is found the the webserver will not return a 404 error and will send instead the content of the resource.
setLoginToken(HttpExchange, String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.TokenManager
Function to set a login cookie which is valid for one day.
setLoginToken(HttpExchange, String, Long) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.TokenManager
Function to set a login cookie which is valid for one day.
setMaxUsageWeight(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Set the max usage weight.
setOverrideFolderPath(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
The path to the override folder which should be checked before an request will be handled by the interfaces.
setResourceFolderPath(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
The path to the folder in the resources which should be checked after an request was handled by the interfaces.
setStoreRows(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Set how much rows should be stored.
setWeightLessPerSecond(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Set how much usage weight an user loses each second.
SIMPLE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
SimpleWebsiteInterface - Interface in me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
SimplifiedResourceFileReader - Class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified
Simple functions to read a byte array or a string out of a file in the resources.
SpecialWebsite - Enum in me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
start(Integer) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Start the webserver.
stop() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Stop the webserver and reset all registrations.
storeConfig(Config) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Save the config object as an JSON string in the config file.


Text() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
TokenManager - Class in me.scolastico.tools.web
An manager to set and get login tokens.
TokenManager() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.web.TokenManager
Triple<X,​Y,​Z> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.pairs
A generic data holder for two data types.
Triple(X, Y, Z) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Construct a new pair with two data types.


uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Internal function from the UncaughtExceptionHandler implementation.
UNDERLINE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations
UP - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
UP(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.CursorNavigation
URLCoder - Class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified
Url Decoder and Encoder for simplified de-/en- coding of urls without passing everytime the UTF-8 charset.
URLCoder() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
usageWeight() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Each call of this site will add to not whitelisted IPs the specified usage weight.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WebServer - Class in me.scolastico.tools.web
An simple webserver for easy management of your api's.
WebServerRegistration - Annotation Type in me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations
This annotation is required for the SimpleWebsiteInterface and the AdvancedWebsiteInterface.
WebServerRegistrationData - Class in me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder
WebServerRegistrationData(AdvancedWebsiteInterface, WebServerRegistration, WebServerRequestType) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
WebServerRegistrationData(SimpleWebsiteInterface, WebServerRegistration) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
WebServerRegistrationException - Exception in me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions
WebServerRegistrationException() - Constructor for exception me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions.WebServerRegistrationException
WebServerRegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions.WebServerRegistrationException
WebServerRequestType - Enum in me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
website() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you want to replace the default pages like the 404 page you can define here the page.
WHITE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
WHITE - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text


YELLOW - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Background
YELLOW - Static variable in class me.scolastico.tools.console.ConsoleDecorations.Text
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