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acceptDelete() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptDelete_GET_VALUES() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If this is enabled get values in the url will be provided.
acceptGet() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptGet_GET_VALUES() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If this is enabled get values in the url will be provided.
acceptPatch() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPatch_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPatch_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPatch_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPatch_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
acceptPathValues() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you use the path values feature please set this to true.
acceptPost() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPost_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPost_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPost_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPost_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
acceptPut() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
This is only required on the SimpleWebsiteInterface.
acceptPut_FILE() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled files can be uploaded to the webserver.
acceptPut_JSON() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled json can be passed to the server.
acceptPut_RAW_STRING() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled the raw string value in the post request will be provided.
acceptPut_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Only one data type can be enabled at once! If this is enabled X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED values in the post request will be provided.
addUsageWeight(String, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
To add a certain value of weight from a user.
AdvancedWebsiteInterface - Interface in me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
apiDescription() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An simple API description.


checkIfExists() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Check if the config file is already existing.
clearOutput() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Clear the output and remove all lines.
ConfigHandler<Config> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
Config handler for easy managing of config files with the json format.
context() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
The path you want to register.


decodeURL(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Decode your URL.
delete() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Delete the file.
DELETE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
deleteRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
disable() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To disable the output recorder call this function!


enable() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
To enable the output recorder call this function!
enableCatchUncaughtException() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the exception handling for uncaught exceptions.
enableErrorLogFile() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Enable the 'error.log' file to which the stack traces will also be written.
enableSentry(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
To enable sentry reporting past the sentry dns string to this function!
encodeURL(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
Encode your URL.
ErrorHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
Handle your errors automatically.
ErrorHandler() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Its not recommended to use the instance.
errorMessages() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An array list of error messages with their short codes separated by a ' - '.
exampleRequest() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An example request path.
exampleResponse() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
An example response.
executeTick() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Its not recommended to use this function manually.


GET - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
getAdvancedWebsiteInterface() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getDefaultConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the default config object.
getFile() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the config file as an File object.
getOutput() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Get the last 1024 lines from the output.
getPath() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get the path to the config file.
getRegistration() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
getSimpleWebsiteInterface() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getStoreRows() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Get the current configuration of how much rows should be stored.
getSystemConfigFolder(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store system wide configurations.
getUsageWeight(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
getUserConfigFolder() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store user configurations.
getUserConfigFolder(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Get an path to an folder where you can store user configurations.
getWebServerRequestType() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
getX() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Get the value of the data with the type one.
getX() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type one.
getY() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Get the value of the data with the type two.
getY() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type two.
getZ() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Get the value of the data with the type three.


handle(HttpExchange) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
handle(Throwable) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception.
handle(Throwable, SentryLevel, String...) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and send more data to Sentry.
handleFatal(Throwable) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and exit the program with exit a non zero exit code.
handleFatal(Throwable, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Handle an exception and exit the program with exit a non zero exit code.
handleRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.SimpleWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.


INTERNAL_ERROR_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
isAPI() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you want to generate an map for your webserver set this to true if you are registering an API.
isRunning() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Check if the webserver is running.


jsonObject() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If json should be automatically managed by the webserver set here the class of the json object.


LIMIT_REACHED_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
loadConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Load the config.


maxFileSizeInMb() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
CURRENTLY NOT IN USE! WIP! Max file size in MB if file upload is enabled in this registrations.
me.scolastico.tools.dataholder - package me.scolastico.tools.dataholder
me.scolastico.tools.handler - package me.scolastico.tools.handler
me.scolastico.tools.pairs - package me.scolastico.tools.pairs
me.scolastico.tools.simplified - package me.scolastico.tools.simplified
me.scolastico.tools.web - package me.scolastico.tools.web
me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations - package me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations
me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder - package me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder
me.scolastico.tools.web.enums - package me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions - package me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions
me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces - package me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite


NORMAL_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
NOT_FOUND_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
NOT_JSON_PAGE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite


OutputHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
The output handler is to handle System.out.print in the way so you can save all outputs to a string and read it!
OutputHandler() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler


Pair<X,​Y> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.pairs
A generic data holder for two data types.
Pair(X, Y) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Pair
Construct a new pair with two data types.
PATCH - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
patchRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
POST - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
postRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.
PUT - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
putRequest(HttpExchange, String[], HashMap<String, String>, String, List<FileItem>, Object) - Method in interface me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces.AdvancedWebsiteInterface
The web request handle function is called then somebody calls the path from the WebServerRegistration.


registerAllWebInterfacesInPackage(String) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Register all webinterfaces in a package through reflections.
registerTask(SchedulerConfiguration) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Register your SchedulerConfiguration and enable it for automatic scheduling.
registerWebInterface(AdvancedWebsiteInterface) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
If you want to register a single webinterface you can register it with this function.
registerWebInterface(SimpleWebsiteInterface) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
If you want to register a single webinterface you can register it with this function.
removeConfiguration(long) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
Remove a SchedulerConfiguration so it wont run again.
removeUsageWeight(String, int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
To remove a certain value of weight from a user.


saveDefaultConfig() - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Save the default config in the config file.
SchedulerConfiguration - Class in me.scolastico.tools.dataholder
The SchedulerConfiguration for the SchedulerHandler.
SchedulerConfiguration(long, boolean, Runnable) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Create a new SchedulerConfiguration
SchedulerConfiguration(long, Runnable) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.dataholder.SchedulerConfiguration
Create a new SchedulerConfiguration for multiple runs.
SchedulerHandler - Class in me.scolastico.tools.handler
SchedulerHandler for easy scheduling of tasks!
SchedulerHandler() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.handler.SchedulerHandler
setMaxUsageWeight(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Set the max usage weight.
setStoreRows(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.OutputHandler
Set how much rows should be stored.
setWeightLessPerSecond(int) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Set how much usage weight an user loses each second.
SIMPLE - me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
SimpleWebsiteInterface - Interface in me.scolastico.tools.web.interfaces
SpecialWebsite - Enum in me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
start(Integer) - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Start the webserver.
stop() - Static method in class me.scolastico.tools.web.WebServer
Stop the webserver and reset all registrations.
storeConfig(Config) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ConfigHandler
Save the config object as an JSON string in the config file.


Triple<X,​Y,​Z> - Class in me.scolastico.tools.pairs
A generic data holder for two data types.
Triple(X, Y, Z) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.pairs.Triple
Construct a new pair with two data types.


uncaughtException(Thread, Throwable) - Method in class me.scolastico.tools.handler.ErrorHandler
Internal function from the UncaughtExceptionHandler implementation.
URLCoder - Class in me.scolastico.tools.simplified
Url Decoder and Encoder for simplified de-/en- coding of urls without passing everytime the UTF-8 charset.
URLCoder() - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.simplified.URLCoder
usageWeight() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
Each call of this site will add to not whitelisted IPs the specified usage weight.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.SpecialWebsite
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum me.scolastico.tools.web.enums.WebServerRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WebServer - Class in me.scolastico.tools.web
An simple webserver for easy management of your api's.
WebServerRegistration - Annotation Type in me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations
This annotation is required for the SimpleWebsiteInterface and the AdvancedWebsiteInterface.
WebServerRegistrationData - Class in me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder
WebServerRegistrationData(AdvancedWebsiteInterface, WebServerRegistration, WebServerRequestType) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
WebServerRegistrationData(SimpleWebsiteInterface, WebServerRegistration) - Constructor for class me.scolastico.tools.web.dataholder.WebServerRegistrationData
WebServerRegistrationException - Exception in me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions
WebServerRegistrationException() - Constructor for exception me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions.WebServerRegistrationException
WebServerRegistrationException(String) - Constructor for exception me.scolastico.tools.web.exceptions.WebServerRegistrationException
WebServerRequestType - Enum in me.scolastico.tools.web.enums
website() - Method in annotation type me.scolastico.tools.web.annoations.WebServerRegistration
If you want to replace the default pages like the 404 page you can define here the page.
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