

package feature

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class BinarizerModel(threshold: Double, inputShape: DataShape) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mikhail on 10/16/16.

  2. sealed trait BinaryOperation extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/27/16.

  3. case class BucketedRandomProjectionLSHModel(randomUnitVectors: Seq[Vector], bucketLength: Double, inputSize: Int) extends LSHModel with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  4. case class BucketizerModel(splits: Array[Double]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for a bucketizer model.

  5. case class ChiSqSelectorModel(filterIndices: Seq[Int], inputSize: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/27/16.

  6. case class CoalesceModel(nullableInputs: Seq[Boolean]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 1/5/17.

  7. case class CountVectorizerModel(vocabulary: Array[String], binary: Boolean, minTf: Double) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  8. case class DCTModel(inverse: Boolean, inputSize: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  9. case class ElementwiseProductModel(scalingVec: Vector) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for an element wise product model.

  10. case class FeatureEncoder(numFeatures: Array[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

  11. sealed trait HandleInvalid extends AnyRef

  12. case class HashingTermFrequencyModel(numFeatures: Int = 1.<<(18), binary: Boolean = false) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for hashing token frequencies into a vector.

  13. case class IDFModel(idf: Vector) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  14. case class ImputerModel(surrogateValue: Double, missingValue: Double, strategy: String, nullableInput: Boolean = true) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mikhail on 12/18/16.

  15. case class InteractionModel(featuresSpec: Array[Array[Int]], inputShapes: Seq[DataShape]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 4/26/17.

  16. trait LSHModel extends Model

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  17. case class LabeledPoint(label: Double, features: Vector) extends Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/25/16.

  18. case class MathBinaryModel(operation: BinaryOperation, da: Option[Double] = scala.None, db: Option[Double] = scala.None) extends Model with Product with Serializable

  19. case class MathUnaryModel(operation: UnaryOperation) extends Model with Product with Serializable

  20. case class MaxAbsScalerModel(maxAbs: Vector) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for MaxAbs Scaler model.

  21. case class MinHashLSHModel(randomCoefficients: Seq[(Int, Int)], inputSize: Int) extends LSHModel with Product with Serializable

  22. case class MinMaxScalerModel(originalMin: Vector, originalMax: Vector) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for MinMax Scaler Transformer

  23. case class MultinomialLabelerModel(threshold: Double, indexer: ReverseStringIndexerModel) extends Model with Product with Serializable

  24. case class NGramModel(n: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mikhail on 9/29/16.

  25. case class NormalizerModel(pNorm: Double, inputSize: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for storing a normalizer model.

  26. case class OneHotEncoderModel(size: Int, dropLast: Boolean = true) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for a one hot encoder model.

  27. case class PcaModel(principalComponents: DenseMatrix) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for principal components analysis model.

  28. case class PolynomialExpansionModel(degree: Int, inputSize: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mikhail on 10/16/16.

  29. case class RegexTokenizerModel(regex: Regex, matchGaps: Boolean = true, tokenMinLength: Int = 1, lowercaseText: Boolean = true) extends Model with Product with Serializable

  30. case class ReverseStringIndexerModel(labels: Seq[String], inputShape: DataShape = ...) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for a reverse string indexer model.

  31. case class StandardScalerModel(std: Option[Vector], mean: Option[Vector]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for standard scaler models.

  32. case class StopWordsRemoverModel(stopWords: Seq[String], caseSensitive: Boolean) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mikhail on 10/16/16.

  33. case class StringIndexerModel(labels: Seq[String], handleInvalid: HandleInvalid = HandleInvalid.Error) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for string indexer model.

  34. case class StringMapModel(labels: Map[String, Double]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 1/5/17.

  35. case class TokenizerModel(regex: String = "\\s") extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for a tokenizer model.

  36. sealed trait UnaryOperation extends AnyRef

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/27/16.

  37. case class VectorAssemblerModel(inputShapes: Seq[DataShape]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Class for a vector assembler model.

  38. case class VectorIndexerModel(numFeatures: Int, categoryMaps: Map[Int, Map[Double, Int]]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  39. case class VectorSlicerModel(indices: Array[Int], namedIndices: Array[(String, Int)] = ..., inputSize: Int) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  40. case class WordLengthFilterModel(length: Int = 3) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by mageswarand on 14/2/17.

  41. case class WordToVectorModel(wordIndex: Map[String, Int], wordVectors: Array[Double]) extends Model with Product with Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

Value Members

  1. object BinaryOperation extends Serializable

  2. object HandleInvalid

  3. object HashingTermFrequencyModel extends Serializable

  4. object MinHashLSHModel extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/28/16.

  5. object MultinomialLabelerModel extends Serializable

    Created by hollinwilkins on 1/18/17.

  6. object TokenizerModel extends Serializable

    Companion object for defaults.

  7. object UnaryOperation
