
package feature

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Imputer extends Estimator[ImputerModel] with ImputerParams with DefaultParamsWritable

    :: Experimental :: Imputation estimator for completing missing values, either using the mean or the median of the column in which the missing values are located.

  2. class ImputerModel extends Model[ImputerModel] with ImputerParams with MLWritable

    :: Experimental :: Model fitted by Imputer.

  3. class MathBinary extends Transformer with MathBinaryParams

  4. trait MathBinaryParams extends HasOutputCol

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/27/16.

  5. class MathUnary extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol

    Created by hollinwilkins on 12/27/16.

  6. class MultinomialLabeler extends Transformer with HasFeaturesCol with HasProbabilitiesCol with HasLabelsCol

    Created by hollinwilkins on 1/18/17.

  7. class OneHotEncoder extends Estimator[OneHotEncoderModel] with OneHotEncoderBase

  8. trait OneHotEncoderBase extends HasInputCol with HasOutputCol with HasDropLast

  9. class OneHotEncoderModel extends Model[OneHotEncoderModel] with OneHotEncoderBase

  10. class StringMap extends Transformer with HasInputCol with HasOutputCol

    Created by hollinwilkins on 2/5/17.

  11. class WordLengthFilter extends Transformer with WordLengthFilterParams with DefaultParamsWritable

Value Members

  1. object Imputer extends DefaultParamsReadable[Imputer] with Serializable

    @Since( "2.1.0" )
  2. object ImputerModel extends MLReadable[ImputerModel] with Serializable

    @Since( "2.1.0" )
  3. object WordLengthFilter extends DefaultParamsReadable[WordLengthFilter] with Serializable
