

package measures

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait EdgeMeasure[O, V] extends Serializable

    Similarity measure of two vertices (or measure for given edge) Created by Roman Bartusiak (roman.

  2. trait GraphIndependentMeasure[OV] extends AnyRef

    Measure computed for whole graph, that is independent from values of vertices and edges Created by Roman Bartusiak (roman.

  3. trait VertexDependentGraphMeasure[OV, -VE] extends AnyRef

    Measure computed for graph that depends on vertex values (uses them) Created by Roman Bartusiak (roman.

  4. trait VertexMeasure[OV] extends AnyRef

    Measure computed for each vertex of graph Created by Roman Bartusiak (roman.

  5. case class VertexMeasureConfiguration[VD, ED](bucketSizeProvider: (Graph[VD, ED]) ⇒ Long, treatAsUndirected: Boolean = false)(implicit evidence$1: ClassTag[VD], evidence$2: ClassTag[ED]) extends Product with Serializable

    Configuration of vertex measure alghoritms Created by Roman Bartusiak (roman.

Value Members

  1. object VertexMeasureConfiguration extends Serializable
