

package scalaguice

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. scalaguice
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait InternalModule[B <: Binder] extends AnyRef

    Allows binding via type parameters.

  2. class MapOfKToSetOfVProvider[K, V] extends ProviderWithDependencies[Map[K, Set[V]]]

    Provider for a Scala Immutable Map from a Java Map.

  3. class MapProvider[K, V] extends ProviderWithDependencies[Map[K, V]]

    Provider for a Scala Immutable Map from a Java Map.

  4. class OptionProvider[T] extends ProviderWithDependencies[Option[T]]

    Provider for Scala's Option from Guava's Optional.

  5. trait ScalaMapBinder[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Analog to Guice's MapBinder

  6. trait ScalaModule extends AbstractModule with InternalModule[Binder]

  7. sealed trait ScalaMultibinder[T] extends AnyRef

    Analog to Guice's Multibinder

  8. trait ScalaOptionBinder[T] extends AnyRef

    Analog to Guice's OptionalBinder

  9. trait ScalaPrivateModule extends PrivateModule with InternalModule[PrivateBinder]

  10. class SetProvider[T] extends ProviderWithDependencies[Set[T]]

    Provider for a Scala Immutable Set from a Java Set.

Value Members

  1. object BindingExtensions

    Extensions for Guice's binding DSL.

  2. object InjectorExtensions

  3. object KeyExtensions

  4. object ScalaMapBinder

  5. object ScalaModule

  6. object ScalaMultibinder

  7. object ScalaOptionBinder

  8. package binder

  9. def cls[T](implicit arg0: Manifest[T]): Class[T]

  10. def typeLiteral[T](implicit arg0: Manifest[T]): TypeLiteral[T]

    Create a from a scala.reflect.Manifest.

    Create a from a scala.reflect.Manifest. Subtypes of scala.AnyVal will be converted to their corresponding Java wrapper classes.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
