
package dispatch

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. dispatch
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AuthVerbs extends RequestVerbs

  2. class DefaultRequestVerbs extends MethodVerbs with UrlVerbs with ParamVerbs with AuthVerbs with HeaderVerbs

  3. class EnrichedFuture[A] extends AnyRef

  4. class FunctionHandler[T] extends AsyncCompletionHandler[T]

  5. trait HeaderVerbs extends RequestVerbs

  6. trait HostVerbs extends AnyRef

  7. case class Http(client: AsyncHttpClient = Defaults.client, timer: Timer = Defaults.timer) extends HttpExecutor with Product with Serializable

    Http executor with defaults

  8. trait HttpExecutor extends AnyRef

  9. trait MethodVerbs extends RequestVerbs

  10. class OkFunctionHandler[T] extends FunctionHandler[T] with OkHandler[T]

  11. trait OkHandler[T] extends AsyncHandler[T]

  12. trait ParamVerbs extends RequestVerbs

  13. case class RawUri(scheme: Option[String], userInfo: Option[String], host: Option[String], port: Option[Int], path: Option[String], query: Option[String], fragment: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    URI representation with raw parts, so

  14. type Req = RequestBuilder

    Type alias for RequestBuilder, our typical request definitions

  15. class RequestHandlerTupleBuilder extends AnyRef

    Builds tuples of (Request, AsyncHandler) for passing to Http#apply.

  16. trait RequestVerbs extends AnyRef

  17. type Res = Response

    Type alias for Response, avoid need to import

  18. case class StatusCode(code: Int) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  19. type Uri = URI

    Type alias for URI, avoid need to import

  20. trait UrlVerbs extends RequestVerbs

  21. type Promise[T] = Future[T]


    (Since version 0.10.0) use scala.concurrent.Future

Value Members

  1. object :/ extends HostVerbs

  2. object BuildInfo

  3. object DaemonThreads

  4. object FutureEither

  5. object FutureIterable

  6. object FutureRightIterable

  7. object Http extends Http

    Singleton default Http executor, can be used directly or altered with its case-class copy

  8. object IDNDomainHelpers

  9. object InternationalDomainConversionException extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  10. object RawUri extends Serializable

  11. object SleepFuture

  12. object UriEncode

  13. package as

  14. implicit def enrichFuture[T](future: Future[T]): EnrichedFuture[T]

  15. implicit def executor: ExecutionContextExecutor

  16. object host extends HostVerbs

  17. implicit def implyRequestHandlerTuple(builder: Req): RequestHandlerTupleBuilder

  18. implicit def implyRequestVerbs(builder: Req): DefaultRequestVerbs

  19. implicit def implyRunnable[U](f: () ⇒ U): Runnable

  20. package oauth

  21. package retry

  22. package stream

  23. object url extends (String) ⇒ RequestBuilder

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
