

package classic

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  2. By inheritance
  1. classic
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait BlockingCallback extends AnyRef

  2. trait Builder[T] extends AnyRef

    Used by client APIs to build Handler or other objects via chaining, completed implicitly.

  3. case class Callback[T](request: Request, function: Function, finish: Finish[T], listener: ExceptionListener) extends Product with Serializable

  4. class CallbackVerbs extends AnyRef

  5. case class Credentials(username: String, password: String) extends Product with Serializable

  6. trait Encoders extends AnyRef

  7. type ExceptionListener = PartialFunction[Throwable, Unit]

    Exception listener is called in addition to an HttpExecutor's regular exception handling (throwing/logging/ignoring it).

  8. trait FormEntity extends HttpEntity

    Used within dispatch for entites that have "form" name value pairs, whether form-urlencoded or multipart mime.

  9. case class Handler[T](request: Request, block: F[T], listener: ExceptionListener) extends Product with Serializable

    Request handler, contains request descriptor and a function to transform the result.

  10. class HandlerVerbs extends AnyRef

  11. trait HttpExecutor extends RequestLogging

    Defines request execution and response status code behaviors.

  12. trait ImplicitCallbackVerbs extends AnyRef

  13. trait ImplicitHandlerVerbs extends AnyRef

  14. trait ImplicitRequestVerbs extends AnyRef

  15. trait ImplicitXhtmlHandlerVerbs extends AnyRef

  16. trait JdkLogging extends HttpExecutor

    Mix in to Http if you want JDK logging

  17. trait Logger extends AnyRef

    Simple info and warn logger

  18. trait NoLogging extends HttpExecutor

    Mix in to Http if you want no logging from Dispatch.

  19. class RefStringEntity extends StringEntity

    Extension of StringEntity that keeps a reference to the string

  20. class Request extends Encoders

    Request descriptor, possibly contains a host, credentials, and a list of transformation functions.

  21. trait RequestLogging extends AnyRef

  22. class RequestVerbs extends AnyRef

    These functions create new request descriptors based off of the current one.

  23. case class StatusCode(code: Int, contents: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

  24. class XhtmlHandlerVerbs extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object / extends ImplicitRequestVerbs

    Creates requests from a directory, prepends '/'.

  2. object /\ extends Request

    Empty request, useful for request a descriptors that do not define a host or base path.

  3. object :/

  4. object Builder

  5. object Callback extends Serializable

  6. object Handler extends Serializable

  7. object Request extends Encoders with ImplicitRequestVerbs with ImplicitHandlerVerbs with ImplicitCallbackVerbs

  8. object XhtmlParsing extends ImplicitXhtmlHandlerVerbs

    Import this object's methods to get the </> verb, or see the jsoup and tagsoup modules.

  9. object url extends (String) ⇒ Request

    An explicit function to create Requests from URL strings, the same as Request.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
