Package net.datafaker

Class CNPJ


public class CNPJ extends Object
CNPJ: The Federal Government interest in simplifying its registration procedures on companies appears in the mid-90's, but it was only in 1998, through the SRF Normative Instruction No. 27, that the CNPJ (short for Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica in Portuguese, or 'National Registry of Legal Entities') was created, replacing the former system, CGC (short for Cadastro Geral de Contribuintes in Portuguese, or 'General Taxpayers Registry'). At the end of 2003 it gained a new impulse by sharing and integrating registration data and fiscal information between States and the Union. In 2009 the MEI (Microempreendedor Individual in Portuguese, or 'Individual Microentrepreneur') was created to supply market demand.
See Also: