Class ApplicationCommandUpdatePrivilegesEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ApplicationCommandUpdatePrivilegesEvent extends GenericPrivilegeUpdateEvent
Indicates that the Privileges of an application-command on a guild changed.
If the moderator updates application-wide privileges instead of command, a ApplicationUpdatePrivilegesEvent will be fired instead.

Can be used to get affected Guild and List of new Privileges

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getTargetType

      @Nonnull public PrivilegeTargetType getTargetType()
      Description copied from class: GenericPrivilegeUpdateEvent
      The target Type. This can either be:
      • INTEGRATION - If the privileges have been changed on the integration-level.
      • COMMAND - If the privileges have been changed on a command.
      Specified by:
      getTargetType in class GenericPrivilegeUpdateEvent
      The target type.
    • getCommandIdLong

      public long getCommandIdLong()
      The id of the command whose privileges have been changed.
      id of the command whose privileges have been changed.
    • getCommandId

      @Nonnull public String getCommandId()
      The id of the command whose privileges have been changed.
      id of the command whose privileges have been changed.