Interface SessionController.SessionConnectNode

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static interface SessionController.SessionConnectNode
    Represents a WebSocketClient request to start a session.
    Not implemented by library user.

    Note: None of the provided session nodes can be resumed, the resume timeframe has already passed

    • Method Detail

      • isReconnect

        boolean isReconnect()
        Whether this node is reconnecting. Can be used to setup a priority based system.
        True, if this session is reconnecting
      • getJDA

        JDA getJDA()
        The JDA instance for this request
        The JDA instance
      • run

        void run​(boolean isLast)
          throws InterruptedException
        When called, establishes the session.
        This will return once the required payload to start the session has been delivered.
        isLast - True, if this is the last node in a queue worker. When true this will not wait for the payload to be delivered.
        InterruptedException - If the calling thread is interrupted