Class WidgetUtil

  • public class WidgetUtil
    extends Object
    The WidgetUtil is a class for interacting with various facets of Discord's guild widgets
    John A. Grosh
    • Constructor Detail

      • WidgetUtil

        public WidgetUtil()
    • Method Detail

      • getWidgetBanner

        public static String getWidgetBanner​(@Nonnull
                                             Guild guild,
                                             WidgetUtil.BannerType type)
        Gets the banner image for the specified guild of the specified type.
        This banner will only be available if the guild in question has the Widget enabled.
        guild - The guild
        type - The type (visual style) of the banner
        A String containing the URL of the banner image
      • getWidgetBanner

        public static String getWidgetBanner​(@Nonnull
                                             String guildId,
                                             WidgetUtil.BannerType type)
        Gets the banner image for the specified guild of the specified type.
        This banner will only be available if the guild in question has the Widget enabled. Additionally, this method can be used independently of being on the guild in question.
        guildId - the guild ID
        type - The type (visual style) of the banner
        A String containing the URL of the banner image
      • getPremadeWidgetHtml

        public static String getPremadeWidgetHtml​(@Nonnull
                                                  Guild guild,
                                                  WidgetUtil.WidgetTheme theme,
                                                  int width,
                                                  int height)
        Gets the pre-made HTML Widget for the specified guild using the specified settings. The widget will only display correctly if the guild in question has the Widget enabled.
        guild - the guild
        theme - the theme, light or dark
        width - the width of the widget
        height - the height of the widget
        a String containing the pre-made widget with the supplied settings
      • getPremadeWidgetHtml

        public static String getPremadeWidgetHtml​(@Nonnull
                                                  String guildId,
                                                  WidgetUtil.WidgetTheme theme,
                                                  int width,
                                                  int height)
        Gets the pre-made HTML Widget for the specified guild using the specified settings. The widget will only display correctly if the guild in question has the Widget enabled. Additionally, this method can be used independently of being on the guild in question.
        guildId - the guild ID
        theme - the theme, light or dark
        width - the width of the widget
        height - the height of the widget
        a String containing the pre-made widget with the supplied settings
      • getWidget

        public static WidgetUtil.Widget getWidget​(@Nonnull
                                                  String guildId)
                                           throws RateLimitedException
        Makes a GET request to get the information for a Guild's widget. This widget (if available) contains information about the guild, including the Guild's name, an invite code (if set), a list of voice channels, and a list of online members (plus the voice states of any members in voice channels).

        This Widget can be obtained from any valid guild ID that has it enabled; no accounts need to be on the server to access this information.

        guildId - The id of the Guild
        null if the provided guild ID is not a valid Discord guild ID
        a Widget object with null fields and isAvailable() returning false if the guild ID is valid but the guild in question does not have the widget enabled
        a filled-in Widget object if the guild ID is valid and the guild in question has the widget enabled.
        RateLimitedException - If the request was rate limited, respect the timeout!
        NumberFormatException - If the provided guildId cannot be parsed by Long.parseLong(String)
      • getWidget

        public static WidgetUtil.Widget getWidget​(long guildId)
                                           throws RateLimitedException
        Makes a GET request to get the information for a Guild's widget. This widget (if available) contains information about the guild, including the Guild's name, an invite code (if set), a list of voice channels, and a list of online members (plus the voice states of any members in voice channels).

        This Widget can be obtained from any valid guild ID that has it enabled; no accounts need to be on the server to access this information.

        guildId - The id of the Guild
        null if the provided guild ID is not a valid Discord guild ID
        a Widget object with null fields and isAvailable() returning false if the guild ID is valid but the guild in question does not have the widget enabled
        a filled-in Widget object if the guild ID is valid and the guild in question has the widget enabled.
        UncheckedIOException - If an I/O error occurs
        RateLimitedException - If the request was rate limited, respect the timeout!