Class AuditLogEntry

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuditLogEntry

        public AuditLogEntry​(ActionType type,
                             int rawType,
                             long id,
                             long targetId,
                             net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.GuildImpl guild,
                             net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.UserImpl user,
                             net.dv8tion.jda.internal.entities.WebhookImpl webhook,
                             String reason,
                             Map<String,​AuditLogChange> changes,
                             Map<String,​Object> options)
    • Method Detail

      • getIdLong

        public long getIdLong()
        Description copied from interface: ISnowflake
        The Snowflake id of this entity. This is unique to every entity and will never change.
        Specified by:
        getIdLong in interface ISnowflake
        Long containing the Id.
      • getTargetIdLong

        public long getTargetIdLong()
        The id for the target entity.
        This references an entity based on the TargetType which is specified by getTargetType()!
        The target id
      • getWebhook

        public Webhook getWebhook()
        The Webhook that the target id of this audit-log entry refers to
        Possibly-null Webhook instance
      • getGuild

        public Guild getGuild()
        The Guild this audit-log entry refers to
        The Guild instance
      • getUser

        public User getUser()
        The User responsible for this action.
        Possibly-null User instance
      • getReason

        public String getReason()
        The optional reason why this action was executed.
        Possibly-null reason String
      • getJDA

        public JDA getJDA()
        The corresponding JDA instance of the referring Guild
        The corresponding JDA instance
      • getChanges

        public Map<String,​AuditLogChange> getChanges()
        Key-Value Map containing all AuditLogChanges made in this entry. The keys for the returned map are case-insensitive keys defined in the regarding AuditLogChange value.
        To iterate only the changes you can use Map.values()!
        Key-Value Map of changes
      • getChangeByKey

        public AuditLogChange getChangeByKey​(@Nullable
                                             String key)
        Shortcut to getChanges().get(key) lookup!
        This lookup is case-insensitive!
        key - The key to look for
        Possibly-null value corresponding to the specified key
      • getOptions

        public Map<String,​Object> getOptions()
        Key-Value Map containing all Options made in this entry. The keys for the returned map are case-insensitive keys defined in the regarding AuditLogChange value.
        To iterate only the changes you can use Map.values()!

        Options may include secondary targets or details that do not qualify as "change".
        An example of that would be the member option for CHANNEL_OVERRIDE_UPDATE containing the user_id of a Member.

        Key-Value Map of changes
      • getOptionByName

        public <T> T getOptionByName​(@Nullable
                                     String name)
        Shortcut to getOptions().get(name) lookup!
        This lookup is case-insensitive!
        Type Parameters:
        T - The expected type for this option
        Will be used for casting
        name - The field name to look for
        Possibly-null value corresponding to the specified key
        ClassCastException - If the type-cast failed for the generic type.
      • getTypeRaw

        public int getTypeRaw()
        The raw type value used to derive getType().
        This can be used when a new action type is not yet supported by JDA.
        The raw type value
      • getTargetType

        public TargetType getTargetType()
        The TargetType defining what kind of entity was targeted by this action.
        Shortcut for getType().getTargetType()
        The TargetType
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object