All Packages

Package Summary
Annotations used for documentation.
The API features of JDA.
The audio API for Discord.
Audio send factories that can be implemented to generate custom audio send packages to be provided to Discord.
Listeners that can be used to monitor the ConnectionStatus or ping of an existing audio connection.
Implementation for AuditLogEntry and all utilities needed for its structure.
Entities representing Discord API objects like Users and Channels
The core events that are fired by this library, informing the end-user about the state of the current JDA instance.
Events indicating that a new channel (MessageChannel / GuildChannel) was either modified, created or deleted.
Events that track added emojis and removed emojis.
Events that track updates for existing Custom Emojis
Events for the state of Guilds such as whether the current logged in account joins/leaves a Guild.
Events that indicate changes for the Members of a Guild such as join/leave or updates of the specific Member such as new Roles or a new nickname.
Gateway events for ScheduledEvents.
Events indicating that a setting for a Guild has been updated.
Events indicating the GuildVoiceState updates for one of the Guild's Members.
Events that are fired for Messages in a MessageChannel.
Events indicating the MessageReactions of a Message changed.
Events that indicate that a Role is either created or deleted.
Events that indicate that a Role has been updated with a new setting.
Events indicating that one of the currently logged in account's settings has been modified.
Events about the current gateway connection state.
Events that track added stickers and removed stickers.
Events that track updates for existing GuildStickers.
Events that indicate that a User presence has been updated, such as its avatar or game.
All custom exceptions of the JDA library
EventManager and EventListener implementations and interfaces.
Managers that allow to modify (PATCH) existing entities with either an update task or atomic setters.
Discord API communication features.
Extensions of RestAction that can be used to operate on a specific case before executing the request.
RestAction extensions specifically designed to change the order of discord entities.
Extensions of RestAction that allow to access paginated discord endpoints like the message history of a MessageChannel.
Implementations for ShardManager which enable auto-sharding.
Package which contains all utilities for the JDA library.
Interfaces for read-only access to internal JDA cache.
Implementations for threading related functionality such as Thread-Factories.
Serialization features used for communication with Discord.
Utility classes to decode and encode Erlang External Term Format (ETF)