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AlphaGrayScale - Class in net.finmath.plots.jfreechart
A color scale using alpha and gray.
AlphaGrayScale(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.AlphaGrayScale
apply(double) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.DoubleToRandomVariableFunction
Applies this function to the given argument.
applyStyleToChart(JFreeChart) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
applyStyleToChart2(JFreeChart) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
applyStyleToXYPlot(XYPlot) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
applyStyleToXYPlot2(XYPlot) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
Axis - Interface in net.finmath.plots.axis
Axis(double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX.Axis


Category2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
A 2D category, i.e., Key-Value pair, where Key is a String ID and value is a Number.
Category2D(String, Number) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Category2D
clamp(double, double, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
close() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
close() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
close() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
close() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
close() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
close() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
createDensity(List<Double>, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createDensity(RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createDensityBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Create a histogram behind a value scatter plot.
createDensityBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double, Double, Double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createHistogram(List<Double>, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createHistogram(RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createHistogramBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Create a histogram behind a value scatter plot.
createHistogramBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double, Double, Double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createImage(double, float[][]) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
createPlotOfHistogram(RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotOfHistogramBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotOfHistogramBehindValues(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, int, double, Double, Double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotScatter(double[], double[], double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotScatter(List<Double>, List<Double>, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotScatter(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, double, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createPlotScatter(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
createScatter(double[], double[], double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createScatter(List<double[]>, Double, Double, Double, Double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createScatter(List<Double>, List<Double>, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createScatter(List<Double>, Map<String, List<Double>>, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Create a scatter plot.
createScatter(RandomVariable, RandomVariable) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createScatter(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, double, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
createScatter(RandomVariable, RandomVariable, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots


DoubleToRandomVariableFunction - Interface in net.finmath.plots
Definition of a function that maps a Double to a RandomVariable, with the possibility to throw an Exception.


get() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Named
Get the object.
get() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
get() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
getAxisLabelFont() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
getCategoryLinesPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, RealMatrix) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getColor() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
getContourPlot(String, String, String, RealMatrix) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getContourPlot(DefaultXYZDataset, XYBlockRenderer, HuePaintScale, NumberAxis, NumberAxis, NumberAxis, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getDomainAxis() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plotable2D
getDomainAxis() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
getFillColor() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
getImplementationJFree() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.axis.NumberAxis
getLowerBound() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.AlphaGrayScale
getLowerBound() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale
getName() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Category2D
getName() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Named
Get the name of the object.
getName() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plotable
getName() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
getName() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
getPaint(double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.AlphaGrayScale
getPaint(double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale
getRangeAxis() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plotable2D
getRangeAxis() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
getSeries() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plotable2D
getSeries() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.PlotableCategories
getSeries() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
getSeries() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
getShape() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
getStroke() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
getStyle() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plotable2D
getStyle() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.PlotableCategories
getStyle() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
getStyle() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
getTickLabelFont() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
getTitleFont() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide
getUpperBound() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.AlphaGrayScale
getUpperBound() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale
getValue() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Category2D
getX() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Point2D
Returns the x value of (x,y).
getXYLinesPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, double[], double[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getXYLinesPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, RealMatrix) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getXYPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, XYSeriesCollection) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getXYPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, XYSeriesCollection, AbstractXYItemRenderer) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getXYPlotChart(String, String, String, String, String, XYSeriesCollection, AbstractXYItemRenderer, boolean) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getXYPlotLogChart(String, String, String, String, String, XYSeriesCollection, AbstractXYItemRenderer, boolean) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
getY() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Point2D
Returns the y value of (x,y).
GraphStyle - Class in net.finmath.plots
A stile for a given graph specifying color, shape and stroke.
GraphStyle(Shape) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
GraphStyle(Shape, Stroke, Color) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle
GraphStyle(Shape, Stroke, Color, Color) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.GraphStyle


HuePaintScale - Class in net.finmath.plots.jfreechart
A color scale.
HuePaintScale(double, double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale


JFreeChartUtilities - Class in net.finmath.plots.jfreechart
Some utilities for JFreeChart
JFreeChartUtilities() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo2
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo3
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo4
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo8
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemoBlackScholesPaths
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot3DDemo
Run the demo.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.SmartDerivativeContractVisualization
Run the demo.
makeZoomable(StackPane) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX


Named<T> - Class in net.finmath.plots
A named object of type T.
Named(String, T) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Named
Create the named object.
net.finmath.plots - module net.finmath.plots
net.finmath.plots - package net.finmath.plots
Simple convenient creation of plots.
net.finmath.plots.axis - package net.finmath.plots.axis
Simple specification of Axis (the plan is to make this wrapper work with JavaFX and JFree)
net.finmath.plots.demo - package net.finmath.plots.demo
Demos of plots.
net.finmath.plots.jfreechart - package net.finmath.plots.jfreechart
Tools for JFreeChart providing charts with a somewhat consistent different style.
normalizeValue(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
NumberAxis - Class in net.finmath.plots.axis
A specification of the number axis, providing specific implementations.
NumberAxis() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.axis.NumberAxis
NumberAxis(String, Double, Double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.axis.NumberAxis
NumberAxis(String, Double, Double, NumberFormat) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.axis.NumberAxis


of(String[], double[], String, String, String, NumberFormat, boolean) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
of(String, double[], double[], GraphStyle) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
of(String, String[], double[], String, String, String, NumberFormat, boolean) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
of(String, RandomVariable, RandomVariable, GraphStyle) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D


Plot - Interface in net.finmath.plots
Plot2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
Small convenient wrapper for JFreeChart line plot derived.
Plot2D(double, double, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2D(double, double, int, DoubleUnaryOperator[]) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2D(double, double, int, Function<Double, Double>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2D(double, double, int, List<Named<DoubleUnaryOperator>>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2D(double, double, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2D(List<Plotable2D>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
Plot2DBarFX - Class in net.finmath.plots
Small convenient wrapper for Java FX line plot.
Plot2DBarFX() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
Plot2DBarFX(List<PlotableCategories>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
Plot2DBarFX(List<PlotableCategories>, String, String, String, NumberFormat, Double, Double, Double, Boolean) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
Plot2DDemo - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the value of an option under the Black-Scholes model as a function of strike and time-to-maturity.
Plot2DDemo() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo
Plot2DDemo2 - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the value of an option under the Black-Scholes model as a function of strike and time-to-maturity.
Plot2DDemo2() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo2
Plot2DDemo3 - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the regression estimation of a curve.
Plot2DDemo3() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo3
Plot2DDemo4 - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the value of a finite difference approximation of the derivative of (exp(x)-x) at 0.
Plot2DDemo4() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo4
Plot2DDemo8 - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots a function and two scatters
Plot2DDemo8() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemo8
Plot2DDemoBlackScholesPaths - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the value of an option under the Black-Scholes model as a function of strike and time-to-maturity.
Plot2DDemoBlackScholesPaths() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot2DDemoBlackScholesPaths
Plot2DFX - Class in net.finmath.plots
Small convenient wrapper for Java FX line plot.
Plot2DFX() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
Plot2DFX(double, double, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
Plot2DFX(double, double, int, List<Named<DoubleUnaryOperator>>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
Plot2DFX(List<Plotable2D>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
Plot3DDemo - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the value of an option under the Black-Scholes model as a function of strike and time-to-maturity.
Plot3DDemo() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.Plot3DDemo
Plot3DFX - Class in net.finmath.plots
Small convenient wrapper for JZY3D derived from the JZY3D SurfaceDemo.
Plot3DFX(double, double, double, double, int, int, DoubleBinaryOperator) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
Plot3DFX(double, double, double, double, int, int, Named<DoubleBinaryOperator>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
Plot3DFX.Axis - Class in net.finmath.plots
Axis wall
Plotable - Interface in net.finmath.plots
Plotable2D - Interface in net.finmath.plots
A two dimensional plotable.
PlotableCategories - Interface in net.finmath.plots
PlotableFunction2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
PlotableFunction2D(double, double, int, DoubleUnaryOperator) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
PlotableFunction2D(double, double, int, Named<DoubleUnaryOperator>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
PlotableFunction2D(double, double, int, Named<DoubleUnaryOperator>, GraphStyle) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotableFunction2D
PlotablePoints2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
PlotablePoints2D(String, List<Point2D>, NumberAxis, NumberAxis, GraphStyle) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
PlotablePoints2D(String, List<Point2D>, GraphStyle) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotablePoints2D
PlotProcess2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
Small convenient wrapper for JFreeChart line plot of a stochastic process.
PlotProcess2D(TimeDiscretization, DoubleFunction<RandomVariable>, int) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
Plot the first (maxNumberOfPaths) paths of a time discrete stochastic process.
PlotProcess2D(TimeDiscretization, DoubleToRandomVariableFunction, int) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
Plot the first (maxNumberOfPaths) paths of a time discrete stochastic process.
PlotProcess2D(TimeDiscretization, Named<DoubleFunction<RandomVariable>>) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
Plot the first 100 paths of a time discrete stochastic process.
PlotProcess2D(TimeDiscretization, Named<DoubleFunction<RandomVariable>>, int) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
Plot the first (maxNumberOfPaths) paths of a time discrete stochastic process.
Plots - Class in net.finmath.plots
Static factory methods for various plots (used to keep demos short).
Plots() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Point2D - Class in net.finmath.plots
Class representing a point in F^2 where F is the set of double floating point numbers.
Point2D(double, double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.Point2D
Create object representing a point in F^2 where F is the set of double floating point numbers.


saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
saveAsJPG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
saveAsPDF(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
saveAsPNG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
saveAsPNG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
saveAsPNG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
saveAsPNG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
saveAsSVG(File, int, int) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
saveChartAsJPG(File, JFreeChart, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
Write a chart to an file stream in JPG format.
saveChartAsPDF(File, JFreeChart, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
Write a chart to an file stream in PDF format.
saveChartAsPNG(File, JFreeChart, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
Write a chart to an file stream in JPG format.
saveChartAsSVG(File, JFreeChart, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
Write a chart to an file stream in SVG format.
setColors(Color[]) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setFill(Paint) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX.Axis
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
setIsLegendVisible(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setIsSeriesStacked(Boolean) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setLowerBound(double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale
setTitle(String) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
setTitle(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setUpperBound(double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.HuePaintScale
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
setXAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setXAxisNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setXAxisNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setXRange(double, double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
setYAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setYAxisNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setYAxisNumberFormat(NumberFormat) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
setYAxisRange(Double, Double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setYAxisRange(Double, Double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setYRange(double, double) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
setZAxisLabel(String) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
show() - Method in interface net.finmath.plots.Plot
show() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
show() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
show() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
show() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
show() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D
SmartDerivativeContractVisualization - Class in net.finmath.plots.demo
Plots the regression estimation of a curve.
SmartDerivativeContractVisualization() - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.demo.SmartDerivativeContractVisualization
start() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.demo.SmartDerivativeContractVisualization
StyleGuide - Class in net.finmath.plots.jfreechart
StyleGuide(double) - Constructor for class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.StyleGuide


toString() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
toString() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot3DFX
toString() - Method in class net.finmath.plots.PlotProcess2D


update(List<Plotable2D>) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2D
update(List<Plotable2D>) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DFX
update(List<PlotableCategories>) - Method in class net.finmath.plots.Plot2DBarFX
updateContourPlot(DefaultXYZDataset, XYBlockRenderer, HuePaintScale, NumberAxis, NumberAxis, NumberAxis, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
updateDensity(Plot2D, List<Double>, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
updateDensity(Plot2D, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
updateHistogram(Plot2D, List<Double>, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
updateHistogram(Plot2D, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
updatePlotOfHistogram(Plot2D, RandomVariable, int, double) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
updatePlotScatter(Plot2D, double[], double[], double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
updatePlotScatter(Plot2D, List<Double>, List<Double>, double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots
updateScatter(Plot2D, double[], double[], double, double, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.Plots


writeChartAsPDF(OutputStream, JFreeChart, int, int) - Static method in class net.finmath.plots.jfreechart.JFreeChartUtilities
Writes a chart to an output stream in PDF format.
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