Class HestonModel

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CharacteristicFunctionModel, Model

    public class HestonModel
    extends Object
    implements CharacteristicFunctionModel
    Implements the characteristic function of a Heston model. The model is \[ dS(t) = r^{\text{c}}(t) S(t) dt + \sqrt{V(t)} S(t) dW_{1}(t), \quad S(0) = S_{0}, \] \[ dV(t) = \kappa ( \theta - V(t) ) dt + \xi \sqrt{V(t)} dW_{2}(t), \quad V(0) = \sigma^2, \] \[ dW_{1} dW_{2} = \rho dt \] \[ dN(t) = r^{\text{d}}(t) N(t) dt, \quad N(0) = N_{0}, \] where \( W \) is a Brownian motion. The model allows to specify two independent rate for forwarding (\( r^{\text{c}} \)) and discounting (\( r^{\text{d}} \)). It thus allow for a simple modelling of a funding / collateral curve (via (\( r^{\text{d}} \)) and/or the specification of a dividend yield. The free parameters of this model are:
    \( S_{0} \)
    spot - initial value of S
    \( r^{\text{c}} \)
    the risk free rate (may be provided as a curve or a constant)
    \( \sigma \)
    the initial volatility level
    \( r^{\text{d}} \)
    the discount rate (may be provided as a curve or a constant)
    \( \xi \)
    the volatility of volatility
    \( \theta \)
    the mean reversion level of the stochastic volatility
    \( \kappa \)
    the mean reversion speed of the stochastic volatility
    \( \rho \)
    the correlation of the Brownian drivers
    Christian Fries, Andy Graf, Lorenzo Toricelli
    • Constructor Detail

      • HestonModel

        public HestonModel​(LocalDate referenceDate,
                           double initialValue,
                           DiscountCurve discountCurveForForwardRate,
                           DiscountCurve discountCurveForDiscountRate,
                           double volatility,
                           double theta,
                           double kappa,
                           double xi,
                           double rho)
        Create a Heston model (characteristic function)
        referenceDate - The date representing the time t = 0. All other double times are following FloatingpointDate.
        initialValue - \( S_{0} \) - spot - initial value of S
        discountCurveForForwardRate - The curve specifying \( t \mapsto exp(- r^{\text{c}}(t) \cdot t) \) - with \( r^{\text{c}}(t) \) the risk free rate
        discountCurveForDiscountRate - The curve specifying \( t \mapsto exp(- r^{\text{d}}(t) \cdot t) \) - with \( r^{\text{d}}(t) \) the discount rate
        volatility - \( \sigma \) the initial volatility level
        theta - \( \theta \) - the mean reversion level of the stochastic volatility
        kappa - \( \kappa \) - the mean reversion speed of the stochastic volatility
        xi - \( \xi \) - the volatility of volatility
        rho - \( \rho \) - the correlation of the Brownian drivers
      • HestonModel

        public HestonModel​(double initialValue,
                           DiscountCurve discountCurveForForwardRate,
                           DiscountCurve discountCurveForDiscountRate,
                           double volatility,
                           double theta,
                           double kappa,
                           double xi,
                           double rho)
        Create a Heston model (characteristic function)
        initialValue - \( S_{0} \) - spot - initial value of S
        discountCurveForForwardRate - The curve specifying \( t \mapsto exp(- r^{\text{c}}(t) \cdot t) \) - with \( r^{\text{c}}(t) \) the risk free rate
        discountCurveForDiscountRate - The curve specifying \( t \mapsto exp(- r^{\text{d}}(t) \cdot t) \) - with \( r^{\text{d}}(t) \) the discount rate
        volatility - \( \sigma \) the initial volatility level
        theta - \( \theta \) - the mean reversion level of the stochastic volatility
        kappa - \( \kappa \) - the mean reversion speed of the stochastic volatility
        xi - \( \xi \) - the volatility of volatility
        rho - \( \rho \) - the correlation of the Brownian drivers
      • HestonModel

        public HestonModel​(double initialValue,
                           double riskFreeRate,
                           double volatility,
                           double discountRate,
                           double theta,
                           double kappa,
                           double xi,
                           double rho)
        Create a Heston model (characteristic function)
        initialValue - \( S_{0} \) - spot - initial value of S
        riskFreeRate - \( r^{\text{c}} \) - the risk free rate
        volatility - \( \sigma \) the initial volatility level
        discountRate - \( r^{\text{d}} \) - the discount rate
        theta - \( \theta \) - the mean reversion level of the stochastic volatility
        kappa - \( \kappa \) - the mean reversion speed of the stochastic volatility
        xi - \( \xi \) - the volatility of volatility
        rho - \( \rho \) - the correlation of the Brownian drivers
      • HestonModel

        public HestonModel​(double initialValue,
                           double riskFreeRate,
                           double volatility,
                           double theta,
                           double kappa,
                           double xi,
                           double rho)
    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceDate

        public LocalDate getReferenceDate()
        the referenceDate
      • getInitialValue

        public double getInitialValue()
        the initialValue
      • getDiscountCurveForForwardRate

        public DiscountCurve getDiscountCurveForForwardRate()
        the discountCurveForForwardRate
      • getRiskFreeRate

        public double getRiskFreeRate()
        the riskFreeRate
      • getDiscountCurveForDiscountRate

        public DiscountCurve getDiscountCurveForDiscountRate()
        the discountCurveForDiscountRate
      • getDiscountRate

        public double getDiscountRate()
        the discountRate
      • getVolatility

        public double getVolatility()
        the volatility
      • getTheta

        public double getTheta()
        the theta
      • getKappa

        public double getKappa()
        the kappa
      • getXi

        public double getXi()
        the xi
      • getRho

        public double getRho()
        the rho