Class Partition

  • public class Partition
    extends Object
    This class represents a set of discrete points in time with weighted interval reference points.
    Moritz Scherrmann
    • Constructor Detail

      • Partition

        public Partition​(double[] points,
                         double weight)
        Creates a partition.
        points - The points of the partition. It should be kept in mind that no point should be included twice. There is no need to take care of the order of the points.
        weight - The weight if the partition as double. It is needed to compute the reference points.
      • Partition

        public Partition​(double[] points)
        Creates a partition with fixed weight=0.5.
        points - The points of the partition. It should be kept in mind that no point should be included twice. There is no need to take care of the order of the points.
    • Method Detail

      • getIntervalNumber

        public int getIntervalNumber​(double x)
        Returns for a given x the number of the interval where x is included. Note that the intervals are of the type [x_i,x_{i+1}). The first interval has number 1, the second number 2 and so on. If x is smaller than the minimum of the partition, the method return 0. If x is greater or equal the maximum of the partition, it returns the length of the partition.
        x - The point of interest.
        The number of the intervals which contains x.
      • d

        public double d​(double x)
        If a given x is into an interval of the partition, this method returns the reference point of the corresponding interval. If the given x is not contained in any interval of the partition, this method returns x.
        x - The point of interest.
        The discretized value.
      • getReferencePoints

        public double[] getReferencePoints()
      • getIntervalReferencePoint

        public double getIntervalReferencePoint​(int intervalIndex)
      • getPoints

        public double[] getPoints()
      • getPoint

        public double getPoint​(int pointIndex)
      • getLength

        public int getLength()
      • getNumberOfIntervals

        public int getNumberOfIntervals()
      • getIntervalLength

        public double getIntervalLength​(int intervalIndex)
      • getWeight

        public double getWeight()