Interface VolatilitySurface

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface VolatilitySurface
    Interface for classes representing a volatility surface, i.e. European option prices.
    Christian Fries
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the name of the volatility surface.
        The name of the volatility surface.
      • getReferenceDate

        LocalDate getReferenceDate()
        Return the reference date of this surface, i.e. the date associated with t=0.
        The date identified as t=0.
      • getValue

        double getValue​(double maturity,
                        double strike,
                        VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Returns the price or implied volatility for the corresponding maturity and strike.
        maturity - The option maturity for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        strike - The option strike for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        quotingConvention - The quoting convention to be used for the return value.
        The price or implied volatility depending on the quoting convention.
      • getValue

        double getValue​(AnalyticModel model,
                        double maturity,
                        double strike,
                        VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Returns the price or implied volatility for the corresponding maturity and strike.
        model - An analytic model providing a context. Some curves do not need this (may be null).
        maturity - The option maturity for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        strike - The option strike for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        quotingConvention - The quoting convention to be used for the return value.
        The price or implied volatility depending on the quoting convention.