Class InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor

        public InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor​(String forwardCurveName,
                                                    String discountCurveName,
                                                    ScheduleDescriptor legSchedule,
                                                    double notional,
                                                    double spread,
                                                    boolean isNotionalExchanged)
        Create the descriptor with period uniform notional and spread.
        forwardCurveName - The name of the forward curve this leg is quoted on. (Or null/empty)
        discountCurveName - The name of the curve this leg is to be discounted with.
        legSchedule - ScheduleFromPeriods of the leg.
        notional - The notional.
        spread - Fixed spread on the forward or fix rate.
        isNotionalExchanged - If true, the leg will pay notional at the beginning of the swap and receive notional at the end of the swap.
      • InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor

        public InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor​(String forwardCurveName,
                                                    String discountCurveName,
                                                    ScheduleDescriptor legSchedule,
                                                    double[] notionals,
                                                    double[] spreads,
                                                    boolean isNotionalExchanged)
        Create the descriptor with notional and spread variable between periods.
        forwardCurveName - The name of the forward curve this leg is quoted on. (Or null/empty)
        discountCurveName - The name of the curve this leg is to be discounted with.
        legSchedule - ScheduleFromPeriods of the leg.
        notionals - Array of notionals for each period.
        spreads - Array of fixed spreads on the forward or fix rates for each period.
        isNotionalExchanged - If true, the leg will pay notional at the beginning of the swap and receive notional at the end of the swap.
    • Method Detail

      • getForwardCurveName

        public String getForwardCurveName()
        Return the name of the forward curve in this descriptor.
        Name of the forward curve.
      • getDiscountCurveName

        public String getDiscountCurveName()
        Return the name of the discount curve in this descriptor.
        Name of the discount curve.
      • getLegScheduleDescriptor

        public ScheduleDescriptor getLegScheduleDescriptor()
        Return the descriptor of the schedule of this product descriptor.
        The schedule descriptor.
      • getNotionals

        public double[] getNotionals()
        Return the notionals per period of this descriptor.
        Array of notionals.
      • getSpreads

        public double[] getSpreads()
        Return the spreads per period of this descriptor.
        Array of spreads.
      • isNotionalExchanged

        public boolean isNotionalExchanged()
        Indicates whether the leg exchanges notional.
        true, if the leg pays notional at the beginning of the swap and reveives notional at the end.
      • name

        public String name()
        Description copied from interface: ProductDescriptor
        Return the name of the model represented by this descriptor.
        Specified by:
        name in interface ProductDescriptor
        Name of the model.