Class InterestRateSwaptionProductDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • InterestRateSwaptionProductDescriptor

        public InterestRateSwaptionProductDescriptor​(InterestRateSwapProductDescriptor swap,
                                                     LocalDate excerciseDate,
                                                     double strikeRate)
        Construct the descriptor of a swaption from the descriptor of a swap plus option parameters.
        swap - Descriptor of the underlying swap.
        excerciseDate - Exercise date of the option as abolute LocalDate.
        strikeRate - Strike rate of the option.
    • Method Detail

      • name

        public String name()
        Description copied from interface: ProductDescriptor
        Return the name of the model represented by this descriptor.
        Specified by:
        name in interface ProductDescriptor
        Name of the model.
      • getExcerciseDate

        public LocalDate getExcerciseDate()
        Return the exercise date of the option.
        The exercise date as absolute LocalDate.
      • getStrikeRate

        public double getStrikeRate()
        Return the strike rate of the option.
        The strike rate.