Class AssetModelMonteCarloFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • AssetModelMonteCarloFactory

        public AssetModelMonteCarloFactory​(RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory,
                                           IndependentIncrements stochasticDriver,
                                           HestonModel.Scheme scheme)
        Create the factory.
        randomVariableFactory - The factory to be used by the models to construct random variables.
        stochasticDriver - The stochastic driver of the process.
        scheme - Truncation scheme to be used by the model in the calculation of drift and diffusion coefficients. (Optional parameter, only required by Heston Model).
      • AssetModelMonteCarloFactory

        public AssetModelMonteCarloFactory​(RandomVariableFactory randomVariableFactory,
                                           IndependentIncrements stochasticDriver)
        Create the factory.
        randomVariableFactory - The factory to be used by the models to construct random variables.
        stochasticDriver - The stochastic driver of the process.
      • AssetModelMonteCarloFactory

        public AssetModelMonteCarloFactory​(IndependentIncrements stochasticDriver)
        Create the factory.
        stochasticDriver - The stochastic driver of the process.