Class Period

    • Constructor Detail

      • Period

        public Period​(LocalDateTime referenceDate,
                      double periodStart,
                      double periodEnd,
                      double fixingDate,
                      double paymentDate,
                      Notional notional,
                      AbstractProductComponent index,
                      double daycountFraction,
                      boolean couponFlow,
                      boolean notionalFlow,
                      boolean payer,
                      boolean isExcludeAccruedInterest)
        Create a simple period with notional and index (coupon) flow.
        referenceDate - The date corresponding to time \( t = 0 \).
        periodStart - The period start.
        periodEnd - The period end.
        fixingDate - The fixing date (as double).
        paymentDate - The payment date (as double).
        notional - The notional object relevant for this period.
        index - The index (used for coupon calculation) associated with this period.
        daycountFraction - The daycount fraction (coupon = index(fixingDate) * daycountFraction).
        couponFlow - If true, the coupon will be payed. Otherwise there will be not coupon flow.
        notionalFlow - If true, there will be a positive notional flow at period start (but only if peirodStart > evaluationTime) and a negative notional flow at period end (but only if periodEnd > evaluationTime). Otherwise there will be no notional flows.
        payer - If true, the period will be a payer period, i.e. notional and coupon at period end are payed (negative). Otherwise it is a receiver period.
        isExcludeAccruedInterest - If the true, the valuation will exclude accrued interest, if any.
      • Period

        public Period​(double periodStart,
                      double periodEnd,
                      double fixingDate,
                      double paymentDate,
                      Notional notional,
                      AbstractProductComponent index,
                      double daycountFraction,
                      boolean couponFlow,
                      boolean notionalFlow,
                      boolean payer,
                      boolean isExcludeAccruedInterest)
        Create a simple period with notional and index (coupon) flow.
        periodStart - The period start.
        periodEnd - The period end.
        fixingDate - The fixing date (as double).
        paymentDate - The payment date (as double).
        notional - The notional object relevant for this period.
        index - The index (used for coupon calculation) associated with this period.
        daycountFraction - The daycount fraction (coupon = index(fixingDate) * daycountFraction).
        couponFlow - If true, the coupon will be payed. Otherwise there will be not coupon flow.
        notionalFlow - If true, there will be a positive notional flow at period start (but only if peirodStart > evaluationTime) and a negative notional flow at period end (but only if periodEnd > evaluationTime). Otherwise there will be no notional flows.
        payer - If true, the period will be a payer period, i.e. notional and coupon at period end are payed (negative). Otherwise it is a receiver period.
        isExcludeAccruedInterest - If the true, the valuation will exclude accrued interest, if any.
      • Period

        public Period​(double periodStart,
                      double periodEnd,
                      double fixingDate,
                      double paymentDate,
                      Notional notional,
                      AbstractProductComponent index,
                      double daycountFraction,
                      boolean couponFlow,
                      boolean notionalFlow,
                      boolean payer)
        Create a simple period with notional and index (coupon) flow. The valuation does not exclude the accrued interest, i.e., the valuation reports a so called dirty price.
        periodStart - The period start.
        periodEnd - The period end.
        fixingDate - The fixing date (as double).
        paymentDate - The payment date (as double).
        notional - The notional object relevant for this period.
        index - The index (used for coupon calculation) associated with this period.
        daycountFraction - The daycount fraction (coupon = index(fixingDate) * daycountFraction).
        couponFlow - If true, the coupon will be payed. Otherwise there will be not coupon flow.
        notionalFlow - If true, there will be a positive notional flow at period start (but only if peirodStart > evaluationTime) and a negative notional flow at period end (but only if periodEnd > evaluationTime). Otherwise there will be no notional flows.
        payer - If true, the period will be a payer period, i.e. notional and coupon at period end are payed (negative). Otherwise it is a receiver period.
      • Period

        public Period​(double periodStart,
                      double periodEnd,
                      double fixingDate,
                      double paymentDate,
                      Notional notional,
                      AbstractProductComponent index,
                      boolean couponFlow,
                      boolean notionalFlow,
                      boolean payer)
        Create a simple period with notional and index (coupon) flow. The valuation does not exclude the accrued interest, i.e., the valuation reports a so called dirty price.
        periodStart - The period start.
        periodEnd - The period end.
        fixingDate - The fixing date (as double).
        paymentDate - The payment date (as double).
        notional - The notional object relevant for this period.
        index - The index (coupon) associated with this period.
        couponFlow - If true, the coupon will be payed. Otherwise there will be not coupon flow.
        notionalFlow - If true, there will be a positive notional flow at period start (but only if peirodStart > evaluationTime) and a negative notional flow at period end (but only if periodEnd > evaluationTime). Otherwise there will be no notional flows.
        payer - If true, the period will be a payer period, i.e. notional and coupon at period end are payed (negative). Otherwise it is a receiver period.