Class VanDerCorputSequence

    • Constructor Detail

      • VanDerCorputSequence

        public VanDerCorputSequence​(int startIndex,
                                    int base)
        Create a van-der-Corput sequence for a given start index and base.
        startIndex - The start index. Must be ≥ 0.
        base - The base of the sequence. Must be > 1.
      • VanDerCorputSequence

        public VanDerCorputSequence​(int base)
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • nextDouble

        public double nextDouble()
        Description copied from interface: RandomNumberGenerator1D
        Thread safe implementation returning the next double value of this random number generator.
        Specified by:
        nextDouble in interface RandomNumberGenerator1D
        The next double value of this random number generator
      • getVanDerCorputNumber

        public static double getVanDerCorputNumber​(long index,
                                                   int base)
        Return the van-der-Corput number.
        index - The index of the sequence starting with 0
        base - The base.
        The van der Corput number