Class ExponentialNormalizer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ExponentialNormalizer
    extends Object
    implements NormalizingFunction
    An exponential normalizing function following \[ c e^{-(x / S)^2} \] where S is the swap rate and c is some scaling factor.
    Christian Fries, Roland Bachl
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExponentialNormalizer

        public ExponentialNormalizer​(Schedule fixSchedule,
                                     Schedule floatSchedule,
                                     String discountCurveName,
                                     String forwardCurveName,
                                     String volatilityCubeName,
                                     VolatilityCubeModel model)
        Create the exponential normalizer from information of the product. The constructor assumes a period of 6M for the forward curve.
        fixSchedule - The fix schedule of the product.
        floatSchedule - The float schedule of the product.
        discountCurveName - The name of the discount curve.
        forwardCurveName - The name of the forward curve.
        volatilityCubeName - The name of the volatility cube.
        model - The model for context.
      • ExponentialNormalizer

        public ExponentialNormalizer​(double initialSwapRate,
                                     double scale)
        Create the exponential normalizer with parameters.
        initialSwapRate - The par swap rate.
        scale - The scale.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(double swapRate)
        Description copied from interface: NormalizingFunction
        Return the value of the normalizing function for the given swap rate.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface NormalizingFunction
        swapRate - The desired swap rate
        The normalizing factor at the given swap rate.
      • getFirstDerivative

        public double getFirstDerivative​(double swapRate)
        Description copied from interface: NormalizingFunction
        Return the first derivative of the normalizing function at the given swap rate.
        Specified by:
        getFirstDerivative in interface NormalizingFunction
        swapRate - The desired swap rate.
        The first derivative of the normalizing function at the given swap rate.
      • getSecondDerivative

        public double getSecondDerivative​(double swapRate)
        Description copied from interface: NormalizingFunction
        Return the second derivative of the normalizing function at the given swap rate.
        Specified by:
        getSecondDerivative in interface NormalizingFunction
        swapRate - The desired swap rate.
        The second derivative of the normalizing function at the given swap rate.