Class RegularSchedule

    • Constructor Detail

      • RegularSchedule

        public RegularSchedule​(TimeDiscretization timeDiscretization)
        Create a schedule from a time discretization.
        timeDiscretization - The time discretization.
    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceDate

        public LocalDate getReferenceDate()
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Returns the reference data of this schedule. The reference date is only used to convert dates to doubles using and internal daycount conventions (ACT/365) which does not need to agree with the daycount convention used to calculate period length.
        Specified by:
        getReferenceDate in interface Schedule
        The reference data of this schedule corresponding to t=0.
      • getPeriods

        public ArrayList<Period> getPeriods()
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Returns the array of periods.
        Specified by:
        getPeriods in interface Schedule
        The array of periods.
      • getDaycountconvention

        public DayCountConvention getDaycountconvention()
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Returns the daycount convention used to calculate period lengths.
        Specified by:
        getDaycountconvention in interface Schedule
        The daycount convention used to calculate period lengths.
      • getNumberOfPeriods

        public int getNumberOfPeriods()
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Returns the number of periods.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfPeriods in interface Schedule
        The number of periods.
      • getPeriod

        public Period getPeriod​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the period for a given period index.
        Specified by:
        getPeriod in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The period for the given period index.
      • getFixing

        public double getFixing​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the fixing converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
        Specified by:
        getFixing in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The fixing converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
      • getPayment

        public double getPayment​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the payment date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
        Specified by:
        getPayment in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The payment date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
      • getPeriodStart

        public double getPeriodStart​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the period start date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
        Specified by:
        getPeriodStart in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The period start date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
      • getPeriodEnd

        public double getPeriodEnd​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the period end date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
        Specified by:
        getPeriodEnd in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The period end date converted to the internal daycounting relative to the schedules reference date.
      • getPeriodLength

        public double getPeriodLength​(int periodIndex)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the period length for a given period index.
        Specified by:
        getPeriodLength in interface Schedule
        periodIndex - A given period index.
        The period length for a given period index.
      • getPeriodIndex

        public int getPeriodIndex​(double time)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the index of the period which contains the given time point.
        Specified by:
        getPeriodIndex in interface Schedule
        time - A given time.
        The period index of the .
      • getPeriodIndex

        public int getPeriodIndex​(LocalDate date)
        Description copied from interface: Schedule
        Return the index of the period which contains the given date.
        Specified by:
        getPeriodIndex in interface Schedule
        date - A given date.
        The period index of the .