Class SimpleHistroricalSimulation

    • Constructor Detail

      • SimpleHistroricalSimulation

        public SimpleHistroricalSimulation​(double[] values)
      • SimpleHistroricalSimulation

        public SimpleHistroricalSimulation​(double[] values,
                                           int windowIndexStart,
                                           int windowIndexEnd)
    • Method Detail

      • getCloneWithWindow

        public HistoricalSimulationModel getCloneWithWindow​(int windowIndexStart,
                                                            int windowIndexEnd)
        Description copied from interface: HistoricalSimulationModel
        Create a new model, using only a window of the times series.
        Specified by:
        getCloneWithWindow in interface HistoricalSimulationModel
        windowIndexStart - Index of the first element to be part of the new time series.
        windowIndexEnd - Index of the last element to be part of the new time series.
        A new historical simulation using a different data window.
      • getSzenarios

        public double[] getSzenarios​(int relAbsFlag)
      • getQuantilPredictions

        public double[] getQuantilPredictions​(int relAbsFlag,
                                              double[] quantiles)