Class Solver

  • public class Solver
    extends Object
    Generates a calibrated model for a given set of calibrationProducts with respect to given CurveFromInterpolationPointss. The model and the curve are assumed to be immutable, i.e., the solver will return a calibrate clone, containing clones for every curve which is part of the set of curves to be calibrated. The calibration is performed as a multi-threaded global optimization. I will greatly profit from a multi-core architecture.
    Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • Solver

        public Solver​(AnalyticModel model,
                      Vector<AnalyticProduct> calibrationProducts,
                      List<Double> calibrationTargetValues,
                      ParameterTransformation parameterTransformation,
                      double evaluationTime,
                      OptimizerFactory optimizerFactory)
        Generate a solver for the given parameter objects (independents) and objective functions (dependents).
        model - The model from which a calibrated clone should be created.
        calibrationProducts - The objective functions.
        calibrationTargetValues - Array of target values for the objective functions.
        parameterTransformation - A parameter transformation, if any, otherwise null.
        evaluationTime - Evaluation time applied to the calibration products.
        optimizerFactory - A factory providing the optimizer (for the given objective function)
      • Solver

        public Solver​(AnalyticModel model,
                      Vector<AnalyticProduct> calibrationProducts,
                      List<Double> calibrationTargetValues,
                      ParameterTransformation parameterTransformation,
                      double evaluationTime,
                      double calibrationAccuracy)
        Generate a solver for the given parameter objects (independents) and objective functions (dependents).
        model - The model from which a calibrated clone should be created.
        calibrationProducts - The objective functions.
        calibrationTargetValues - Array of target values for the objective functions.
        parameterTransformation - A parameter transformation, if any, otherwise null.
        evaluationTime - Evaluation time applied to the calibration products.
        calibrationAccuracy - The error tolerance of the solver.
      • Solver

        public Solver​(AnalyticModel model,
                      Vector<AnalyticProduct> calibrationProducts,
                      List<Double> calibrationTargetValues,
                      double evaluationTime,
                      double calibrationAccuracy)
        Generate a solver for the given parameter objects (independents) and objective functions (dependents).
        model - The model from which a calibrated clone should be created.
        calibrationProducts - The objective functions.
        calibrationTargetValues - Array of target values for the objective functions.
        evaluationTime - Evaluation time applied to the calibration products.
        calibrationAccuracy - The error tolerance of the solver.
      • Solver

        public Solver​(AnalyticModel model,
                      Vector<AnalyticProduct> calibrationProducts,
                      double evaluationTime,
                      double calibrationAccuracy)
        Generate a solver for the given parameter objects (independents) and objective functions (dependents).
        model - The model from which a calibrated clone should be created.
        calibrationProducts - The objective functions.
        evaluationTime - Evaluation time applied to the calibration products.
        calibrationAccuracy - The error tolerance of the solver.
      • Solver

        public Solver​(AnalyticModel model,
                      Vector<AnalyticProduct> calibrationProducts)
        Generate a solver for the given parameter objects (independents) and objective functions (dependents).
        model - The model from which a calibrated clone should be created.
        calibrationProducts - The objective functions.
    • Method Detail

      • getCalibratedModel

        public AnalyticModel getCalibratedModel​(Set<ParameterObject> objectsToCalibrate)
                                         throws SolverException
        Find the model such that the equation objectiveFunctions.getValue(model) = 0 holds.
        objectsToCalibrate - The set of parameterized objects to calibrate.
        A reference to a calibrated clone of the given model.
        SolverException - Thrown if the underlying optimizer does not find a solution.
      • getIterations

        public int getIterations()
        Returns the number of iterations required in the last solver step.
        The number of iterations required.
      • getAccuracy

        public double getAccuracy()
        Returns the accuracy achieved in the last solver run.
        The accuracy achieved in the last solver run.