Class CurveEstimation

  • public class CurveEstimation
    extends Object
    This class implements the method of local linear regression with discrete kernel function, see see In particular it represents the implementation of proposition 2 and 3 of the paper. This class allows choosing between three different kernel functions, i.e. a normal, a Laplace or a Cauchy kernel. For the kernel types provided see CurveEstimation.Distribution. The resulting curve is piecewise linear. That means, only the knot points of the curve are computed in this algorithm. The final curve is then provided with linear interpolation of the knot points, see CurveInterpolation.
    Moritz Scherrmann, Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • CurveEstimation

        public CurveEstimation​(LocalDate referenceDate,
                               double bandwidth,
                               double[] independentValues,
                               double[] dependentValues,
                               double[] partitionValues,
                               double weight,
                               CurveEstimation.Distribution distribution)
        Creates a curve estimation object.
        referenceDate - The reference date for the resulting regression curve, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        bandwidth - The bandwidth parameter of the regression.
        independentValues - The realization of a random variable X.
        dependentValues - The realization of a random variable Y.
        partitionValues - The values to create a partition. It is important that min(partition) ≤ min(X) and max(partition) ≥ max(X).
        weight - The weight needed to create a partition.
        distribution - The kernel type.
      • CurveEstimation

        public CurveEstimation​(LocalDate referenceDate,
                               double bandwidth,
                               double[] independentValues,
                               double[] dependentValues,
                               double[] partitionValues,
                               double weight)
        Creates a curve estimation object with a normal kernel.
        referenceDate - The reference date for the resulting regression curve, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        bandwidth - The bandwidth parameter of the regression.
        independentValues - The realization of a random variable X.
        dependentValues - The realization of a random variable Y.
        partitionValues - The values to create a partition. It is important that min(partition) ≤ min(X) and max(partition) ≥ max(X).
        weight - The weight needed to create a partition.
    • Method Detail

      • getRegressionCurve

        public Curve getRegressionCurve()
        Returns the curve resulting from the local linear regression with discrete kernel.
        The regression curve.