Class CapletVolatilitiesParametric

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Cloneable, ParameterObject, VolatilitySurface

    public class CapletVolatilitiesParametric
    extends AbstractVolatilitySurfaceParametric
    A parametric caplet volatility surface created form the four parameter model for the instantaneous forward rate lognormal volatility given by \( \sigma(t) = (a + b t) \exp(- c t) + d \). In other words, the Black volatility for maturity T is given by \[ \sqrt{ \frac{1}{T} \int_0^T ((a + b t) \exp(- c t) + d)^2 dt } \]. Note: quoting convention of the functional form is LOGNORMAL, but container may provide data in other conventions.
    Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • CapletVolatilitiesParametric

        public CapletVolatilitiesParametric​(String name,
                                            LocalDate referenceDate,
                                            ForwardCurve forwardCurve,
                                            DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                            double a,
                                            double b,
                                            double c,
                                            double d,
                                            double timeScaling,
                                            VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Create a model with parameters a,b,c,d defining a lognormal volatility surface.
        name - The name of this volatility surface.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this volatility surface, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        forwardCurve - The underlying forward curve.
        discountCurve - The associated discount curve.
        a - The parameter a
        b - The parameter b
        c - The parameter c
        d - The parameter d
        timeScaling - A scaling factor applied to t when converting from global double time to the parametric function argument t.
        quotingConvention - The quoting convention reflected by the parametetric form (e.g. lognormal or normal).
      • CapletVolatilitiesParametric

        public CapletVolatilitiesParametric​(String name,
                                            LocalDate referenceDate,
                                            ForwardCurve forwardCurve,
                                            DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                            double a,
                                            double b,
                                            double c,
                                            double d,
                                            double timeScaling)
        Create a model with parameters a,b,c,d defining a lognormal volatility surface.
        name - The name of this volatility surface.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this volatility surface, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        forwardCurve - The underlying forward curve.
        discountCurve - The associated discount curve.
        a - The parameter a
        b - The parameter b
        c - The parameter c
        d - The parameter d
        timeScaling - A scaling factor applied to t when converting from global double time to the parametric function argument t.
      • CapletVolatilitiesParametric

        public CapletVolatilitiesParametric​(String name,
                                            LocalDate referenceDate,
                                            double a,
                                            double b,
                                            double c,
                                            double d,
                                            double timeScaling)
        Create a model with parameters a,b,c,d.
        name - The name of this volatility surface.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this volatility surface, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        a - The parameter a
        b - The parameter b
        c - The parameter c
        d - The parameter d
        timeScaling - A scaling factor applied to t when converting from global double time to the parametric function argument t.
      • CapletVolatilitiesParametric

        public CapletVolatilitiesParametric​(String name,
                                            LocalDate referenceDate,
                                            double a,
                                            double b,
                                            double c,
                                            double d)
        Create a model with parameters a,b,c,d.
        name - The name of this volatility surface.
        referenceDate - The reference date for this volatility surface, i.e., the date which defined t=0.
        a - The parameter a
        b - The parameter b
        c - The parameter c
        d - The parameter d
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(double maturity,
                               double strike,
                               VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Description copied from interface: VolatilitySurface
        Returns the price or implied volatility for the corresponding maturity and strike.
        maturity - The option maturity for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        strike - The option strike for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        quotingConvention - The quoting convention to be used for the return value.
        The price or implied volatility depending on the quoting convention.
      • getValue

        public double getValue​(AnalyticModel model,
                               double maturity,
                               double strike,
                               VolatilitySurface.QuotingConvention quotingConvention)
        Description copied from interface: VolatilitySurface
        Returns the price or implied volatility for the corresponding maturity and strike.
        model - An analytic model providing a context. Some curves do not need this (may be null).
        maturity - The option maturity for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        strike - The option strike for which the price or implied volatility is requested.
        quotingConvention - The quoting convention to be used for the return value.
        The price or implied volatility depending on the quoting convention.
      • getParameter

        public double[] getParameter()
        Description copied from interface: ParameterObject
        Get the current parameter associated with the state of the objects.
        The parameter.
      • setParameter

        public void setParameter​(double[] parameter)
        Description copied from interface: ParameterObject
        Set the current parameter and change the state of the objects.
        parameter - The parameter associated with the new state of the objects.