Class SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray
    extends Object
    implements SwaptionMarketData
    Simple swaption market data class. The class does currently not provide a surface interpolation like SABR. This will be added in a future version.
    Christian Fries
    • Constructor Detail

      • SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray

        public SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray​(double[] optionMaturities,
                                              double[] tenor,
                                              double swapPeriodLength,
                                              double[][] impliedVolatilities)
      • SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray

        public SwaptionATMMarketDataFromArray​(ForwardCurve forwardCurve,
                                              DiscountCurve discountCurve,
                                              double[] optionMaturities,
                                              double[] tenor,
                                              double swapPeriodLength,
                                              double[][] impliedVolatilities)
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(double optionMatruity,
                               double tenorLength,
                               double periodLength,
                               double strike)
        Description copied from interface: SwaptionMarketData
        Returns the option price of a swaption for a given option maturity and tenor length.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface SwaptionMarketData
        optionMatruity - The option maturity.
        tenorLength - The tenor length.
        periodLength - The period length of the floating rate period.
        strike - The strike (swap) rate.
        The option price.
      • getVolatility

        public double getVolatility​(double optionMatruity,
                                    double tenorLength)
      • getVolatility

        public double getVolatility​(double optionMatruity,
                                    double tenorLength,
                                    double periodLength,
                                    double strike)
        Description copied from interface: SwaptionMarketData
        Returns the option implied volatility of a swaption for a given option maturity and tenor length.
        Specified by:
        getVolatility in interface SwaptionMarketData
        optionMatruity - The option maturity.
        tenorLength - The tenor length.
        periodLength - The period length of the floating rate period.
        strike - The strike (swap) rate.
        The implied volatility.